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My miscellaneous literary collection.

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[ "Translation Demo.txt"
    Know not if this should be cataloged as tech document... Or literature? (probably even philosophy) ]

    <Chǔ Words> (<楚辞>): <Fisher> (<渔父>) (~ BCE 304) (by: 屈 原)
    <Whirlwind Ballad> (<大风歌>) (BCE 196-11) (by: 刘 邦)


[ "Ultra White Collection"
    李 白 诗文光千古: 林甫 隆基 几人识?
+    Lǐ Bái (李 白) poems texts illuminating thousands years: Lín-Fǔ (林甫) Lóng-Jī (隆基) several could reckon?
    世间行乐亦如此: 古来万事东流水.
+    Worldly entertainment affairs also much alike: Old since all things east flowing water.
    安能摧眉折腰事权贵: 使我不得开心颜?
+    How could knit-bent serving for prominence wealth: make me unable to attain happy look?

    李 林甫: Contemporary Premier
    李 隆基: Contemporary Emperor


    盛去哀来片时事: 人生忽悠一梦中.
+    Prosperity goes woe comes piece time affairs: People's life swinging swindling one dream between.
+    Why to massively follow solidating post and power?
    <Ultra White> (<太白>) (CE 2024-06) (by: Master ? ; (CE 746 ~ CE 874) 李 白, 杜 甫, 薛 逢)
    <World How Different> (<世殊异>) (CE 2024-06) (by: Master ? ; (CE 839-02) 杜 牧)

    <Crossing Jīng Gate Sent Farewell> (<渡 荆门 送别>) (by: (CE 725) 李 白; (CE 2023) 徐 乐同, 谢 琰, Master ?)
    <Serene Night Thoughts> (<静夜思>) (by: (CE 727) 李 白; (CE 2023) 李 凯稠, Master ?)
    <Night Lodged Mountain Temple> (<夜宿山寺>) (by: (~ CE 730) 李 白; (~ CE 982) 杨 亿)
    <Heroic Tour> (<侠客行>) (CE 731) (by: 李 白)
    <Tour of Difficulty> (<行路难>) (CE 731) (by: 李 白)
    <Boldly Take Wine> (<将进酒>) (<Pity Cup Empty> (<惜樽空>) ) (~ CE 736) (by: 李 白)
    <Had Wine Asking Moon> (<把酒问月>) (~ CE 744) (by: 李 白)
    <Wine Today> (<今朝酒>) (by: (CE 744 ~ CE 875) 李 白, 罗 隐; (CE 2024) Master ?)
    <Moon Below Alone Drinking> (<月下独酌>) (~ CE 744-04) (by: 李 白)
    <Gifting Lǐ Bái> (<赠{李 白}>) (CE 745) (by: 杜 甫)
    <Old Bright Moon Tour> (<古朗月行>) (CE 753) (by: 李 白)
    <Playful Gifting Dù Fǔ> (<戏赠 杜 甫>) (CE 753) (by: 李 白)
    <Those abandoned me left> (<弃我去者>) (<宣州 谢朓楼 饯别 校书 叔 {云}> (<Xuān-Province Xiè Tiǎo's Tower Banquet Farewelling Book Editor Uncle Yún>) ) (CE 753) (by: 李 白)
    <Gifting Friend> (<赠友人>) (~ CE 756-06) (by: 李 白)
    <The Farewell Song> (<临终歌>) (CE 762-12) (by: 李 白) ]


    <Atop Yōu-Province Tower Song> (<登 幽州台 歌>) (CE 697) (by: 陈 子昂)
    <Ascending Stork Tower> (<登 鹳雀楼>) (~ CE 730) (by: (?| 王 之涣 | 朱 斌 ) )
    <Lotus Taking Melody> (<采莲曲>) (CE 748) (by: 王 昌龄)
    <Sending Left Assembly Reminder Dù> (<寄 左省 杜 拾遗>) (CE 757) (by: 岑 参)
    <River Village> (<江村>) (CE 760) (by: 杜 甫)
    <River Snow> (<江雪>) (CE 808) (by: 柳 宗元)
    <Bamboo Twig Words> (<竹枝词>) (CE 822-01-31 ~ CE 824-08-31) (by: 刘 禹锡)
    <Recall River South> (<忆江南>) (~ CE 837) (by: 白 居易)
    <Night Rain Sending North> (<夜雨寄北>) (CE 853) (by: 李 商隐)


    <Beauty Sorrowful> (<虞美人>) (CE 978-08-18) (by: 李 煜)
    <祝东风> (by: (CE 1032) 欧阳 修; (CE 2023) 辛 晓娟, Master ?)
    <Water Tone Head> (<水调歌头>) (CE 1076-09-21) (by: 苏 轼)
    <Prime Harvest 5th Nightly Tour> (<元丰五年夜游>) (CE 1082-08-20) (by: 苏 轼)
    <Riverside Godly: Night Return Marshland> (<临江仙: 夜归 临皋>) (CE 1082-10) (by: 苏 轼)
    <Waves Settled: South Sea Returned Gifting Wáng Dìng-Guó's Attendant Ms. Yù> (<定风波: 南海 归赠 王 定国 侍人 寓娘>) (CE 1086-01) (by: 苏 轼, 宇文 柔)
    <West River Moon> (<西江月>) (CE 1126) (by: 蔡 京)
    <Mid-Autumn Moon> (<中秋月>) (~ CE 1130) (by: 周 紫芝; (CE 2024-09-15) Master ?)
    <Detrapper: For Chén Tóng-Fǔ composing courageous words to send which> (<破阵子: 为 陈 同甫 赋壮词以寄之>) (CE 1189) (by: 辛 弃疾)
    <Southlander: Atop Capital Pass North-Settling Pavilion Having Thoughts> (<南乡子: 登 京口北固亭 有怀>) (CE 1204) (by: 辛 弃疾)
    <Estimator: On Plum Blossom> (<卜算子: 咏梅>) (CE 1208) (by: 陆 游)


    <True View> (<大观>) (by: (~ CE 1790) 曹 雪芹; (CE 2024-03) Master ?)
    <Riverside Godly: Peach Blossom Fish> (<临江仙: 桃花鱼>) (CE 1943) (by: 张 充和; (CE 1998) Hans Hermann Fränkel)
    <Frosty Moon> (<霜月>) (CE 2023-11) (by: Master ?)
    <Accompanying Morning Court of Palace Great Brilliancy> (<和早朝 大明宫>) (CE 2024-01) (by: Master ?)
    <Vain> (<罔>) (CE 2024-01) (by: Master ?)
    <Self Title> (<自题>) (CE 2024-04) (by: Master ?)

[ "近词选"
    <The Shout> (<呐喊>) (by: (CE 1922-12-03) 鲁迅; (CE 1929-07-30) 徐 志摩)
    <Coincidence> (<偶然>) (CE 1926-05) (by: 徐 志摩)
    <Forest-amid Moon Night> (<林中月夜>) (CE 1992-08) (by: 金 波)
    <情之一字> (CE 2024-06) (by: 元和令, Master ?) ]


My miscellaneous literary collection.




