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This is my PetProject(portfolio) where I will make my own custom web social media

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My Social Media - 'Keriton'

This is my simple social media example project to introduce you to my acquired skills and abilities. This project is based on Rest Api and Spring framework using JWT token for authentication, and it is about a social media where user can create his account where he can have multiple messengers between other users and created posts in which other users can set likes and write or read comments.

Table of Contents


In my project, as you see, I have already committed pom.xml and files, so you only need to clone my repository to your PC and create in your mySql db table with name: "my_social_media" and create Configuration which will starts with and added to field "Environment variables" something like that:

connection=your_mongoDB_collection_url;password=your_pass; username=your_useranme where you need to write instead of your_password, password that you indicated in db settings (likewise with username and connection). After that, you need to run the project to initialize the password and username in the file, and then run it a second time after which the project will work correctly!

$ git clone

"Users data":

â„– Username E-mail Password Role
1 skallet24 [email protected] 1111 ADMIN
2 garry.potter [email protected] 2222 USER
3 oil [email protected] 3333 USER

Main Class (SocialMediaApplication)

The SocialMediaApplication class is the core of the Social Media Application, developed using Java Spring Boot. It coordinates essential services such as user management, post creation, commenting, liking, and private messaging. The class establishes connections to both MySQL and MongoDB databases for seamless data storage. During startup, it securely records user credentials in the application properties file, while also initializing sample user data, posts, comments, likes, and messages for illustration. The application fosters user engagement through diverse interaction options, including posts, comments, likes, and direct messaging.

MongoDB Connection Utility

This utility class, MongoClientConnection, provides a streamlined way to establish a connection to a MongoDB database and perform initial setup tasks. It is particularly useful for setting up and clearing a collection within the database. The class uses the @Slf4j annotation for logging.

Minio Client Implementation

The MinioClientImpl class is a component annotated with @Component that facilitates interactions with a MinIO server. It includes methods for creating user-specific buckets, uploading and downloading photos, checking bucket and directory existence, retrieving a list of buckets, and configuring the MinIO client. This class relies on the MinIO Java SDK for communication and employs SLF4J for logging.

Entity Classes

Comment Entity (Comment)

The Comment entity class represents user comments on posts. It includes attributes such as id for unique identification, comment to store the content of the comment, timestamp to track the comment's creation time, owner referencing the user who posted the comment, and post referencing the associated post. The class defines methods to check equality, generate hash codes, and provide a string representation of the comment.

Like Entity (Like)

The Like entity class embodies user likes on posts. It holds an id for uniqueness, an owner referencing the user who liked the post, and a post referencing the liked post. The class provides methods to determine equality, calculate hash codes, and create a string representation of the like.

Message Entity (Message)

The Message entity class represents messages exchanged in private conversations. It features a unique id, the message content, a timestamp indicating when the message was sent, a messengerId identifying the related conversation, and an ownerId referring to the message sender. The class implements methods for equality comparisons, hash code calculation, and generating a human-readable string representation.

Messenger Entity (Messenger)

The Messenger entity class represents private conversations between users. It includes an id for uniqueness, an owner indicating the conversation initiator, and a recipient referencing the conversation recipient. The class defines methods for equality checks, hash code generation, and creating a string representation.

Photo Entity (Photo)

The Photo entity class represents images associated with posts. It includes attributes such as id, a file referencing the photo file, and a post connecting the photo to its corresponding post. The class defines methods for equality comparisons, hash code calculation, and creating a string representation.

Post Entity (Post)

The Post entity class represents user-generated posts. It includes a timestamp indicating when the post was created, a description for post content, an owner referencing the user who created the post, collections of associated comments, likes, and photos. The class implements methods for checking equality, calculating hash codes, and creating a string representation.

Role Entity (Role)

The Role entity class represents user roles within the application. It features an id, a name describing the role, and a collection of users associated with the role. The class implements GrantedAuthority for role-based authorization, and provides methods for equality comparisons, hash code calculation, and creating a string representation.

User Entity (User)

The User entity class represents users of the application. It includes attributes like id, username, firstName, lastName, email, and password for authentication. It also references a role, and various collections related to user activity such as myMessengers, myPosts, myComments, myLikes, and messagesToMe. The class implements UserDetails for user authentication and authorization, and provides methods for equality checks, hash code calculation, and creating a string representation.

Repository Interfaces


The UserRepository interface extends JpaRepository and facilitates database operations for user entities. It provides methods for finding users by username, email, or a combination of both. Additional methods are available to retrieve users by lastName, firstName, and roleName.


The RoleRepository interface extends JpaRepository and handles database operations related to role entities. It offers a method to find roles by their name.


The PostRepository interface, an extension of JpaRepository, manages database interactions concerning post entities. It includes methods for retrieving posts by ownerId and for finding posts by both ownerId and id.


The PhotoRepository interface, extending JpaRepository, manages database interactions for photo entities. It offers methods to retrieve photos by their associated postId.


The MessengerRepository interface, extending JpaRepository, handles database operations for messenger entities. It includes methods to find messengers by ownerId and recipientId, as well as to retrieve messengers by ownerId.


The MessageRepository interface, annotated with @EnableMongoRepositories, extends MongoRepository and manages interactions with message entities stored in MongoDB. It provides methods to retrieve messages by their associated messengerId.


The LikeRepository interface, extending JpaRepository, manages database operations for like entities. It includes methods to find likes by the owner and the post, retrieve likes by postId, and find likes by ownerId.


The CommentRepository interface, extending JpaRepository, handles database interactions for comment entities. It offers methods to retrieve comments by their associated postId and ownerId.



The UserService class provides methods to manage user-related operations. It interacts with the UserRepository and handles functions such as creating users, reading user details by various criteria, updating user information, and deleting users.


The RoleService class handles role-related operations. It communicates with the RoleRepository and supports functions like creating roles, reading roles by various criteria, updating role information, and deleting roles.


The PostService class manages post-related operations. It interacts with the PostRepository, UserService, PhotoService, and MinioClientImpl (for photo storage) to support functionalities such as creating posts with associated photos, reading posts by different criteria, updating post information, and deleting posts.


The PhotoService class handles photo-related operations. It works with the PhotoRepository and MinioClientImpl to enable functions like creating photos, reading photos by various criteria, updating photos, and deleting photos.


The MessengerService class is responsible for messenger-related actions. It communicates with the MessengerRepository and UserService to support functions like creating messengers between users, reading messengers by different criteria, and deleting messengers.


The MessageService class manages message-related actions. It interacts with the MessageRepository and MessengerService to enable functionalities such as creating messages within messengers, reading messages by different criteria, updating messages, and deleting messages.


The LikeService class handles like-related operations. It communicates with the LikeRepository, UserService, and PostService to support functions like creating likes for posts, reading likes by different criteria, checking if a like exists, and deleting likes.


The CommentService class manages comment-related operations. It interacts with the CommentRepository, UserService, and PostService to enable functionalities such as creating comments for posts, reading comments by different criteria, updating comments, and deleting comments.


The AuthUserService class contains methods for user authorization checks. It interacts with the UserService and provides functions for validating user identities, roles, and ownership of accounts. These checks are used to determine whether a user has the necessary permissions to perform specific actions.

Authorization services


The AuthPostService class focuses on post-related authorization. It builds upon the AuthUserService to validate ownership and permissions related to posts. This class ensures that users are authorized to modify or delete posts that they own.


The AuthPhotoService class extends the authorization to photos associated with posts. It works in conjunction with the AuthPostService to verify that users have the required permissions to access or manipulate photos belonging to posts they own.


The AuthMessengerService class handles authorization for messenger-related operations. It collaborates with the AuthUserService and MessengerService to confirm whether a user is authorized to interact with a specific messenger.


The AuthMessageService class provides authorization checks for message-related operations. It utilizes the AuthMessengerService and MessageService to ensure that users have the necessary permissions to access or manage messages within messengers.


The AuthLikeService class focuses on authorization for like-related actions. It works with the LikeService, AuthUserService, and AuthPostService to verify that users have the required permissions to interact with likes on posts they own.


The AuthCommentService class manages authorization for comment-related actions. It collaborates with the CommentService, AuthUserService, and AuthPostService to confirm that users are authorized to access or manage comments associated with posts they own.

Component Descriptions


The AuthEntryPointJwt class is a Spring @Component responsible for handling the authentication entry point. It implements the AuthenticationEntryPoint interface, providing the commence method to respond when authentication fails. This class logs the "Content-Type" of the incoming request and sends an "Unauthorized" error response along with a message suggesting users to authorize themselves before accessing a particular URL. This can be achieved by visiting the '/api/auth/login/(username or email)' endpoint for authorization.


The AuthTokenFilter class, marked as a Spring @Component, is a filter that ensures proper authentication of requests. Extending the OncePerRequestFilter class, it collaborates with JwtUtils and UserService to verify JWT tokens and establish authentication context. When processing requests, this filter checks for the presence of a JWT token in the "Authorization" header with the "Bearer" prefix. If a valid token is found, it sets the authentication context with user details extracted from the token. This component contributes to securing the authentication process in the application.

Configuration classes


  • Manages application-wide configurations.
  • Defines passwordEncoder() bean for secure password handling.
  • Sets up CORS with configurationSource() for global usage.


  • Handles security settings.
  • Requires AuthTokenFilter, AuthEntryPointJwt, and CorsConfigurationSource beans.
  • Configures security using SecurityFilterChain:
    • Defines CORS and disables CSRF.
    • Handles authentication errors.
    • Sets authorization rules.
    • Uses AuthTokenFilter for token-based authentication.



The AuthController class handles authentication and user registration.


  • POST /api/auth/login/username: Log in with a username and password.
  • POST /api/auth/login/email: Log in with an email and password.
  • POST /api/auth/register: Register a new user.


The UserController class manages user-related operations.


  • GET /api/users: Retrieve all users (admin only).
  • GET /api/users/first-name/{first-name}: Retrieve users by first name (admin only).
  • GET /api/users/last-name/{last-name}: Retrieve users by last name (admin only).
  • GET /api/users/role/{role}: Retrieve users by role (admin only).
  • GET /api/users/{id}: Retrieve a user by ID.
  • GET /api/users/username-email/{username-or-email}: Retrieve a user by username or email.
  • POST /api/users: Create a new admin user (admin only).
  • POST /api/users/custom-role: Create a new user with a custom role (admin only).
  • PUT /api/users/{id}: Update a user by ID.
  • PUT /api/users/username/{username}: Update a user by username.
  • PUT /api/users/email/{email}: Update a user by email.
  • PUT /api/users/name/{id}: Update user names by ID.
  • PUT /api/users/name/username-email/{username-or-email}: Update user names by username or email.
  • PUT /api/users/password/{id}: Update user password by ID.
  • PUT /api/users/password/username-email/{username-or-email}: Update user password by username or email.
  • DELETE /api/users/{id}: Delete a user by ID.
  • DELETE /api/users/username-email/{username-or-email}: Delete a user by username or email.


The RoleController class manages role-related operations.


  • GET /api/roles: Retrieve all roles (admin only).
  • GET /api/roles/{id}: Retrieve a role by ID (admin only).
  • GET /api/roles/name/{name}: Retrieve a role by name (admin only).
  • GET /api/roles/user/{user-id}: Retrieve a user's role by user ID.
  • POST /api/roles: Create a new role (admin only).
  • PUT /api/roles/{id}: Update a role by ID (admin only).
  • DELETE /api/roles/{id}: Delete a role by ID (admin only).


The PostController class manages post-related operations.


  • GET /api/posts: Retrieve all posts (admin only).
  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/posts: Retrieve all posts for a user.
  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{id}: Retrieve a user's post by post ID.
  • POST /api/users/{owner-id}/posts: Create a new post for a user.
  • PUT /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{id}: Update a post's description.
  • DELETE /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{id}: Delete a post by ID.


The PhotoController class manages photo-related operations.


  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/photos: Retrieve all photos under a post.
  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/photos/{id}: Retrieve a photo under a post.
  • DELETE /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/photos/{id}: Delete a photo under a post.


The MessengerController class manages messenger-related operations.


  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers: Retrieve all messengers for a user.
  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{id}: Retrieve a messenger by ID for a user.
  • POST /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers: Create a new messenger for a user.
  • DELETE /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{id}: Delete a messenger by ID for a user.


The MessageController class manages message-related operations.


  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{messenger-id}/messages: Retrieve all messages for a messenger.
  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{messenger-id}/messages/{id}: Retrieve a message by ID for a messenger.
  • POST /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{messenger-id}/messages: Create a new message for a messenger.
  • PUT /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{messenger-id}/messages/{id}: Update a message by ID for a messenger.
  • DELETE /api/users/{owner-id}/messengers/{messenger-id}/messages/{id}: Delete a message by ID for a messenger.


The LikeController class manages operations related to user likes on posts.


  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/likes: Retrieves a list of likes under a specific post. Only the owner of the post is authorized to access this endpoint. The response includes a list of likes associated with the post.

  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/likes: Retrieves a list of likes owned by a specific user. The authenticated user must be the owner of the likes to access this endpoint. The response contains a list of likes associated with the user.

  • POST /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/likes: Creates a new like on a post. The authenticated user needs to be the owner of the post to set a like. A success message is returned upon successful creation.

  • DELETE /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/likes/{id}: Removes a like from a post. This endpoint requires the user to be the owner of the post and the like to delete it. A success message is returned if the deletion is successful.


The CommentController class handles operations related to user comments on posts.


  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/comments: Retrieves a list of comments under a specific post. Only the owner of the post is authorized to access this endpoint. The response includes a list of comments associated with the post.

  • GET /api/users/{owner-id}/comments: Retrieves a list of comments owned by a specific user. The authenticated user must be the owner of the comments to access this endpoint. The response contains a list of comments associated with the user.

  • POST /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/comments: Creates a new comment on a post. The authenticated user needs to be the owner of the post to post a comment. A success message is returned upon successful creation.

  • PUT /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/comments/{id}: Updates an existing comment on a post. The user needs to be the owner of the comment and the post. A success message is returned upon successful update.

  • DELETE /api/users/{owner-id}/posts/{post-id}/comments/{id}: Deletes a comment from a post. The user must be the owner of the comment and the post. A success message is returned upon successful deletion.


I really enjoyed developing my project, and I want to try myself on a real project as soon as possible. Thank you for paying attention to my project.

I hope this was clear to you, and if not, you can contact me for further details:

Telegram: @mskdrttt

E-mail: [email protected].


This is my PetProject(portfolio) where I will make my own custom web social media






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