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File metadata and controls

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A naming strategy is a strategy that determines the serialized name of a property or class.
This name is then used to map back and from serialized data.

Configuring a naming strategy

To configure a naming strategy you need to reference a Func<INamingStrategy> or a method group returning INamingStrategy this has a couple of reasons.

  • It allows for type safe registration
  • It allows for a readable and extendable solution
  • It allows for a lifetime management solution outside of the DI framework.

The places where you can configure these strategies is both on the serializer's configuration when you register it, or on a property itself.
For example, you want a property to use snake case:

public sealed class ExampleProfile : JsonSerializerProfile
	protected override void Configure()
			.Property(entity => entity.Id,
				namingStrategy: Names.Use.SnakeCase)
			.Property(entity => entity.Name);

Or you want to statically map a property mapping to a given string value:

public sealed class ExampleProfile : JsonSerializerProfile
	protected override void Configure()
			.Property(entity => entity.Id,
				namingStrategy: Names.Equal("identifier"))
			.Property(entity => entity.Name);

Out of the box you can use the following naming strategies:

  • Hard coded strings Names.Equal("identifier")
  • CamelCase: Names.Use.CamelCase
  • KebabCase: Names.Use.KebabCase
  • LowerCase: Names.Use.LowerCase
  • PascalCase: Names.Use.PascalCase
  • SnakeCase: Names.Use.SnakeCase

Creating a custom naming strategy

Let's just say you want to shout at your api.

If you want all your properties to be UpperCase you can do the following:

/// <summary>
/// SHOUTS all properties <br />
/// <example>
/// SomeName => SOMENAME
/// </example>
/// </summary>
public sealed class UpperCaseNamingStrategy : INamingStrategy
	/// <inheritdoc />
	public ReadOnlySpan<char> GetName(in PropertyInfo property, in Type propertyType, in INamingContext _) => GetName(property.Name);

	/// <inheritdoc />
	public ReadOnlySpan<char> GetName(in Type classType, in INamingContext _) => GetName(classType.Name);

	private ReadOnlySpan<char> GetName(in string name)
		var genericIndex = name.IndexOf(NamingConstants.GenericTypeMarker);
		if (genericIndex == -1) return name.ToUpperInvariant();

		Span<char> nameSpan = stackalloc char[genericIndex];

		return nameSpan.ToString();

Then you create an extension method to expose this:

public static class NamingExtensions
	private static readonly INamingStrategy UpperCaseNamingStrategy = new UpperCaseNamingStrategy();

	/// <inheritdoc cref="Example.StringBitBooleanConverter" />
	public static INamingStrategy UpperCase (this IUseNamingStrategies _) => UpperCaseNamingStrategy;

Keep in mind that when you store a naming strategy like this (a static readonly instance),
the converter will not be thread-safe in the sense that instance members are shared across threads.

And now you can use it on properties or your configuration by calling Names.Use.UpperCase.

For a more real-world example checkout the OpenAir use-case's CustomFieldNamingStrategy together with their NamingExtensions.
This setup allows you register a naming strategy with
both Names.Use.CustomFieldName for automated {fieldName}__c where {fieldName} uses the CamelCaseNamingStrategy
and Names.Use.CustomFieldName({value}) for {value}__c.


The naming context passed to naming strategies allows you to lookup registered naming strategies
either by Type to get the strategy for the type's name,
or Type with Property to get the strategy for that property on the corresponding type mapping.

For example this can be useful in a scenario where you need your name to include the naming strategy of a generic subtype.
This is illustrated in the OpenAir use-case's ResponseTypeNamingStrategy, here we need the name of the generic Data property as an attribute on it's <Request> node.

Naming strategy lifetime

It is generally a good idea to register your naming strategy as a static readonly instance since it only manipulates input and output.
However if you need a service to determine a name for any reason you can do this by providing a Func<INamingStrategy> in either the registration of the DI setup or on a property. The profiles themselves have access to services via the DI framework.

If this is a scenario you need please create an issue for us to write some documentation in the Advanced concepts section.