nvm install 20.9.0
nvm use 20.9.0
npm i -g yarn cross-env wait-on concurrently
yarn install
npm start
npm i -g electron-builder
electron-builder --windows
Tag a new version: git tag v1.0.8
Push the tag to GitHub: git push origin v1.0.8
- Error:
app-builder.exe process failed ERR_ELECTRON_BUILDER_CANNOT_EXECUTE Exit code: 1
/downloaded url=https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder-binaries/releases/download/winCodeSign-2.6.0/winCodeSign- duration=1.695s ⨯ exit status 2
- Fix: Run terminal / command prompt as admin.
# Windows Debugging
rmdir /s /q dist
rmdir /s /q node_modules
npm cache clean --force
yarn install
- Need to set the following GitHub actions secret values:
- Usefull links for getting MAS/Mac credentials:
How to set the following requirered Mac Apple Store credentials in GitHub Actions -> Repository Secrets
- Navigate to Apple App Store Connect (https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/) -> Users and Access -> Click the 'integrations' tab at the top of the page, click on 'App Store Connect API' on the left, and under 'Team Keys' click the blue plus icon to generate a new key with App Manager access (https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/integrations/api).
- I generated a key with the name 'RenderTune_2025_app_manager'
- Copy the API Key ID, and save that as the secret value.
- Download the key we just made, save it as a .p8 file
- Open that file in vscode, copy the contents, and save that as the secret value.
Go to certificates: Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer
Create and download the following certs:
- Developer ID Installer (downloaded)
- Developer ID Application (downloaded)
- Mac Installer Distribution (downloaded)
- Mac App Distribution (downloaded)
- Mac Development (downloaded)
Drag & drop them into "login" keychain access
Go to provisioning profiles:
- Re-generate "App Store" and "Development" provisioning profiles
- macOS_app_development
- Com.martinbarker.digifyunique
- Check all certificates & devices
- Download: macOS_app_development_digifyunique.provisionprofile
App store development
- Com.martinbarker.digifyunique
- Check the newly generated "Mac App Distribution" certificate's radio box
- Download: mac_app_store_connect.provisionprofile
Run command to get contents
- base64 < mac_app_store_connect.provisionprofile | pbcopy
Paste clipboard contents into PROVISIONING_PROFILE_BASE64
- In keychain access, select the following, export save locally with strong password:
- Developer ID Application: *
- Developer ID Installer: *
- 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: *
- 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: *
- In keychain access, select the following, export save locally with strong password:
Add the following GH Actions secrets:
MAC_CERTS_PASSWORD with the generated password
MAC_CERTS to the output of this command:
base64 -i Certificates.p12 -o - | pbcopy
- tbd