####1. STM32_Projects
"STM32_Project" folder is a sample projects based on GNU arm cross-toolchain and official lib for STM32.
The application is an A/D conversion using DMA. The folder includes the complete source-code, linker-script and makefile. I have tested the code with the board (PCB_STM32F103VET6) and download & debug the code with ST-Link successfully.
####2. STM32_RTOS
"STM32_RTOS" folder is a sample projecs using μC/OS-II, alse based on GNU arm cross-toolchain. The projects has been tested on STM32F103VET6 with LED blink on the board.
####3. PCB_STM32F103VET6
STM32F103VET6(LQFP100) minimal circuit pcb project, designed with Altium Designer.
####4. PCB_STM32F103C8T6
STM32F103C8T6(LQFP48) minimal circuit pcb project, designed with Altium Designer.