A simple Python package for Graph Series-Parallel-ization.
Your SP: no sync nodes, can be dups
- Does not have sync nodes, can only have nodes as int. If coming from a graph with dupes, the nodes are simply deduplicated (so from NodeDup to int). Technically, SP can only hold PureNodes, but for simplicity we'll have Node.
Your graph: sync nodes, cannot be dups
Can have sync nodes or not (and can freely switch between one another)
Can either have no duplicates (so all the nodes are simply int) or have duplicates (in which case they are NodeDups). You can frely switch between graph and SP.
Algorithms must take in a DAG that is made up of ints and that is TTSP, and return an SPD of only ints.
In general: all graph utilities should apply to SPG, all SP utilities should apply to SPD.
- Have in the algo_utils, rapidcheck style property checkers:
- is_valid_spization
- sp remains sp
- transitive reduction leaves it unchanged
- algorithm A is strictly better than B
- Add the diagram with the various classes
To enter the venv: poetry shell
For testing: pytest
For codecov: pytest --cov=spization --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered
For linting: ruff check --fix
/ruff format
For type checking: mypy .
To run benchmarking: benchmark