The completed translator is now complied into "", utilizing the 3 translation parts mentioned below. After some testing, the translator proves usable but far from perfect. Perhaps there are too many edge cases for coding intricasies, in addition to unknown causes for rare errors.
Parts of a simple translator to turn JavaScript files into Processing files. Given some structural similarities between the languages and my previous use of both for similar projects, I wanted to experiment with a translation algotrithm.
Part 1 is a basic translator for variable declarations, where I attempt to find a variable's declaration and determine what data type the variable is.
Part 2 is a translator for function declarations, where I attempt to determine if a function returns a value. If so, the prefix [DataType] is added to indicate the need for specification. Otherwise, add "void".
Part 3 is a translator for Classes, where I attempt to change the terms "constructor" to the class name, "this." to "var " to be see by the Variable Translator, and add a "void " prefix to methods.