- If you are a new user or if you want to change google accounts for sending the information delete the storage.json file in the ./assets folder.
- When you run the program it will ask to authenticate your google account
- Go into the info.json file, this is where the information such as the spreadsheet id, the hours required and the excluded hours from the report are located.
- Be sure that the correct year is selected
- The date format expected is YYYY-MM-DD (SQL format)
- To find the spreadsheet id of any google sheet:
- Example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ImtDrstD8OzobtIknXnsyYDxBsbggJhZRrS9oIiYJpI/edit
- The spreadsheet id of this google sheet is the text between https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/ and /edit (1ImtDrstD8OzobtIknXnsyYDxBsbggJhZRrS9oIiYJpI)
- To run the program open up a command line interface and then run the executable with the necessary arguments
- The API token
- If you want to send notifications or not
- If you want to send the info to another spreadsheet
- Example:
.\new_driver.exe -t TOKEN -n 0 -s SHEET_ID
.\new_driver.exe -t TOKEN -n 0
.\new_driver.exe -t TOKEN