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Simon Poole edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 4 revisions


EasyEdit is the editing mode developed by Jan Schejbal for the Google Summer of Code 2012.

EasyEdit unifies all the previous seven editing modes used by Vespucci (Move, New, Edit, Edit tags, Append, Erase node, and Split) into a single mode. The previous editing modes have been replaced by a "lock" mode (panning and zooming allowed) and an "unlocked" editing mode. The dropdown menu with the old modes can still be turned on via a preference, however there is no reason to do so.


No longer necessary: Mode Selection

EasyEdit is selected from the mode selection menu:

Zoom In

As with the other editing mode, you have to zoom in before being able to edit.


Just drag the map around to move it. Don't press down for too long or you will trigger the long-tap functionality!

Object Selection

To select an object tap on it. A small window will pop up with a short description of what you've selected. By default nodes and ways are drawn with a shading around them indicating where you can tap to select them. This can be turned off in the preferences which can be useful in areas with lots of objects. If there are multiple objects that could be selected, a menu will pop up allowing to pick a specific object.

EasyMode In Action

This part of the map has been damaged during the recent license redaction, so I will fix it using the various capabilities of EasyEdit. First I'll switch to the new Bing aerial photography. Press Menu, Preferences, then Map Background. Select Bing Aerial Imagery from the list and return to the main map.

New Nodes

The road (Candella Square) around the lake (center left) has had many nodes deleted and now cuts across the lake. I zoom in and long-press on the middle of the line. A new node will be added to the way and selected. The top bar will change to a blue colour and indicate "Creating path". The node is also selected. This is dragged to a more correct position on the road, click the tick and then dismiss the tag editor. Repeat until the way better matches the aerial photography.

Appending to Ways

There is a section of road (Arezzo Way) on the west side of the lake that is missing. The nearest remaining section of it is selected by tapping on it. Then Append is selected from the context menu. It's hard to see with the aerial photography background, but now the two end nodes of the way are shaded indicating that only they can be selected. The node nearest the lake is selected and then the node on the newly re-aligned way around the lake is tapped on. Arezzo Way is now corrected extended. Tap the check mark to finish the Append. Ways can also be appended to if you have selected one of their end nodes. Append will appear as a function in the node context menu.

Deleting Nodes

The way around the lake needs to be re-aligned on the south side of the lake too. There are two nodes from the old way that need to be deleted before the road is re-aligned. These are selected one at a time, and Delete selected from the context menu. I then appended the road right around the lake.

New Ways

On the north side of the lake, a road is missing. The node at the south end is selected, then long-pressed to start "Creating path". Two new nodes are created, with the way automatically extending as each node is tapped out. When the check mark is ticked to complete the new way, the tag editor appears, and the new way is tagged. The road shows up pink because we haven't been able to fill in its name.