localized english/french blog-style jekyll site.
(need to install jekyll: gem install jekyll
The primary branch is called develop and the published branch is master.
Github pages does not support plugins, so the contents of the _site dir need to be pushed to the master branch in order to use the plugin's functionality.
All edits and work need to be done on the develop branch.
Including Images? Make sure to use TinyPNG.
Using rake for builds and deploys to help with the unique build scenario.
(need to install rake: gem install rake
to build the site in dev mode (with jekyll server and code watcher)
rake build:dev
to build the site for production (no server, just build)
rake build:pro
to clear out the _site dir
rake delete
to preview site in default browser
rake preview
to commit and deploy (what I do every time I publish something)
rake commit_deploy
to commit/push changes to develop branch without the site deploy
rake commit
to deploy _site dir to master branch (which published GitHub page) without committing first
rake deploy
============ Maptime-Alpes.com (c) by Maptime-Alpes contributors (https://github.com/orgs/MaptimeAlpes/people)
Maptime-Alpes.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License.
View license at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.