NOTE: This is a fork of xdspacelab/openvslam. The original repository is no longer available. Please read the official statement of termination carefully and understand it before using this. The similarities with ORB_SLAM2 in the original version are not removed. We share this code on GPLv3 License as in ORB_SLAM2.
git clone
Download files from Release
Dataset directory structure:
- dataset
- images/
- config_openvslam.yaml
docker build -t vslam -f Dockerfile . --build-arg NUM_THREADS=4
sudo xhost +
docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro --volume /on_the_host/data/path/to/dataset:/dataset:rw vslam
./build/run_image_slam -v /openvslam/orb_vocab.dbow2 -i /dataset/images/ -c /dataset/config_openvslam.yaml --no-sleep --auto-term --map-db /dataset/map.msg
python3 scripts/ /dataset/map.msg /dataset/map.json
cat /dataset/map.json
Start XLaunch
Using WSL terminal:
export DISPLAY=
docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -e LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=0 --volume /mnt/c/on_the_host/data/path/to/dataset:/dataset:rw vslam
export DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0
./build/run_image_slam -v /openvslam/orb_vocab.dbow2 -i /dataset/images/ -c /dataset/config_openvslam.yaml --no-sleep --auto-term --map-db /dataset/map.msg
python3 scripts/ /dataset/map.msg /dataset/map.json
cat /dataset/map.json