MapWinGIS v5.0.0
This version is compiled using VS2015. It is also using GDAL v2.3.3, released December 14, 2018
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In this version we resolved 24 issues.
A big improvement is upgrading to the LibCurl that comes with the GDAL binaries and implement it correctly to be able to use HTTPS.
Another big improvement is more and better support of Unicode.
Release notes - MapWinGIS - Version v5.0.0
- [MWGIS-109] - Chinese characters
- [MWGIS-112] - Slovene text from SpatiaLite
- [MWGIS-120] - Convert all URLs to https
- [MWGIS-123] - Unable to Rotate Point Features Placed using Font Files
- [MWGIS-131] - Add GetAngle to Utils class
- [MWGIS-133] - Ability to extract multiple Shape types from OGR datasources when AvailableShapeTypes > 1
- [MWGIS-139] - Add support for multiple-current selectable layers based on 'Selectable' layer attribute.
- [MWGIS-102] - non-standard use of class 'type' as an argument to a variadic function
- [MWGIS-121] - Label font size < 4 generates unhandled exception
- [MWGIS-122] - Polygons layers with LineWidth="1.0" do not display
- [MWGIS-125] - Union of shapefiles produces wrong results
- [MWGIS-128] - OgrLayer::SaveChanges sets NULL fields to value of most-previous non-NULL field value
- [MWGIS-129] - AccessViolationException thrown in Shape.ExportToWKT
- [MWGIS-132] - Unable to reproject OGR layers on-the-fly
- [MWGIS-134] - Shapefile Segmentize method throws unhandled Access Violation exception
- [MWGIS-137] - Selecting shapes by point-click (vs box-drawing) only works on Volatile layers IF Volatile layers are present
- [MWGIS-138] - Select by polygon gives incorrect validation error for a triangular selection (i.e. 3 points)
- [MWGIS-119] - Upgrade from VS2013 to VS2015
New Feature
- [MWGIS-83] - Support Unicode encoding in the Categories
- [MWGIS-135] - Add LineInterpolatePoint()
- [MWGIS-5] - SSL / HTTPS support for TMS/WMS services