- We have provided the functionality of register onto the firebase and then store your avatar object as a json into the Firestore.
- We have also provided the functionality of login into firebase and then fetch the avatar object which you have saved in the process of Registration.
There is 2 View Controllers
LoginVC:- Where all the Login Process has been shown to the user with the dummy textfields like Email, Password. Then you can retrieve the Object from the call Backs.
RegisterVC:- Where all the registration process has been shown to the user with the fields like name, email, password, phoneNumber.
- After registration on firebase we are storing the objects into Firestore.
- Also user can upload his photo onto the firebase and they will get the url of photo and it will store onto firestore database.
Am Working on the project and I haven't used firebase in the past. This is my first time if somebody finds any mistake please tell me i would love to work on issues.