To setup the dependencies required for accessBot, ensure you cd to ./Server/ and run the following script: sudo./
To run the server, environment variables are needed!
Here is a small shell script that sets up said variables
# script for starting our accessBot
export PORT="3000"
# decrypting client side cookies
export SESSION_SECRET="putyoursupperawesomesecretrighthere"
# uri of mongo database to be used
export MONGODB_URI="mongodb://localhost/makerauth"
#password for root, make live one something better than this
export MASTER_PASS="monkey"
# URL for slack webhook intergration (basically auth you need to be a bot)
# individual token for slack (in this case we need to act as an administrator to invite new members)
export SLACK_TOKEN="putYourTokenHere"
# server for recieving payment notifications
export PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION_SERVER = "http://urIPNserver"
# State whether testing application or not
export TESTING_MA=true
echo "Starting the accessBot!"
if $TESTING_MA; then
export BROADCAST_CHANNEL="test_channel" # have a test channel to broadcast on
nodemon accessBot.js
# reloads server on source change -> sudo npm install -g nodemon
export BROADCAST_CHANNEL="prod_channel" # have a prod channel to broadcast on
npm install
# probably want to make sure npm install is run when upgrading dorboto
pm2 start accessBot.js
# backgrounds process
"nano" in Sever this folder, add above code with your own parameters, ctrl-x to save, and "chmod +x"
To start the server run ./