HyperJump - simple and quick bookmark tool for bash shell. I found similar projects, but nothing that was both fast, easy to use, and simple enough. I really needed a location bookmarking app because I am working on a high latency connection, and switching between directories is a pain.
HyperJump consists of 3 command line commands (functions).
- jr - Remember Jump. Bookmarks current directory. Run "jr nickname" to add current directory, or just run "jr" and use the interactive mode.
- jf - Forget Jump. Deletes the current directory from the bookmarks. Run "jf" while in a directory you want forgotten or "jf " to forget a specific nickname.
- jj - Jump to a bookmark location. Run "jj nickname" to jump to a location or just "jj" to get a list of all bookmarks.
All of the commands have autocomplete. Both jj and jf will autocomplete with nicknames of bookmarked locations. The jr command will autocomplete with the basename of the current directory.
To get the list of all the Bookmarks in a nice looking menu window, you need a unix utility called dialog. You can install it via yum, apt-get, ports, and others like so:
sudo port install dialog
sudo yum install dialog
sudo apt-get install dialog
After just copy the hyperjump script someplace on your system and add the following line to your .profile or .bashrc file:
source /location/of/hyperjump
Use it, love it, fork it, make changes, send pull requests. Enjoy!