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Releases: ManagedKube/kubernetes-common-services


19 May 16:01
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HelmRelease PR Checks

  • Adding checks for the HelmReleases when there is an event in a PR. This will help us to make sure that the charts being merged in are syntactically correct and can be parsed by Helm template.

Inspired by:


13 May 15:56
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Azure configurations

A fully working Flux deployment and services for Azure AKS


  • Flux
  • Flux Helm Operator
  • sealed-secret
  • nginx-ingress
  • external-dns
  • prometheus-operator


30 Apr 22:10
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26 Apr 23:15
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cluster-issuer helm chart

  • This release is here to peg the current helm chart to a static tag

cluster-issuer version: v0.1.1


21 Apr 06:09
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This is big overhaul on the way we generate the Kubernetes yaml that Flux will apply. This structural change was necessary to make for supporting the upcoming linting and Helm chart testing that can run locally to make sure everything is working locally before pushing the code into your repository. Without this change, it would have made those future activities a lot harder to do without user intervention and the purpose of this project is really to automate away manual user activities.

Breaking changes

  • In the HelmRelease's we will no longer use the valuesFrom.configMapKeyRef methods. Instead we will be using just values.
  # Base values for all environments
  - configMapKeyRef:
      name: helmrelease-base-values
      key: base-values.yaml
      optional: false
  # This environment specific values
  - configMapKeyRef:
      name: helmrelease-env-values
      key: values.yaml
      optional: false
  • Going forward, we all of the environment and base values should be in the values.

Significant changes

Required Actions

v1.0.4 - nginx-ingress Helm Chart Update

v1.0.3 - Flux Helm Operator update to 1.0.0

12 Apr 22:48
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Updating the Flux Helm Operator to version 1.0.0.

You can apply this update right on top of the old version.


v1.0.2 - Prometheus-operator Helm Chart Update

12 Apr 17:24
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v1.0.1 - Kubecost cluster-turndown service

28 Mar 17:55
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Adding in Kubecost cluster-turndown service. This service helps you to turn down namespaces or nodes in a cluster on a schedule to help save you cost when you are not using it.

v1.0.0 First Release

28 Mar 17:50
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This is the first release with a full end to end walk through on how to set this up with the suite of apps.