The Maine-eDNA project is a 5-year research, education and outreach program that seeks to transform our understanding and sustainability of Maine’s coastal ecosystems via environmental DNA (eDNA) innovations and state-wide multi-institutional collaboration. This project brings together several of the state's public and private academic institutions and independent research laboratories to focus on a shared goal of applying eDNA approaches to understand coastal ecosystem dynamics across spatial and temporal scales. The vision of Maine-eDNA is to show how the eDNA approach can transform how aquatic ecosystems are studied and managed.
Supported by NSF Award #OIA-1849227 RII Track-1: Molecule to Ecosystem: Environmental DNA as a Nexus of Coastal Ecosystem Sustainability for Maine (Maine-eDNA).
Survey123 Field Site Summaries RShiny Application and corresponding repository
Maine-eDNA Metadata Relational Database Backend
- Data management system to collect and store information through all steps of eDNA analysis from field collection, wet lab processing, next-generation sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis.