This repository contains the data and MATLAB code for the "Comprehensive analysis of pathways in Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) using unsupervised machine Learning method":
Data sets:
File "Candidate_Genes.xlsx" contains 1,300 Genes as a candidate set of COVID-19 related genes.
File "Signaling_Pathways.xlsx" contains KEGG signaling pathways with more than 8 genes related to COVID-19.
File "Disease_Pathways.xlsx" contains KEGG disease pathways with more than 8 genes related to COVID-19.
To calculate 6 informative features for pathways from biological network related to COVID-19 pathways, run an algorithm "Topological_feature.m".
To run the algorithm follow the "Read_me.txt" steps.
See the output at "Output.txt" file.
To select the top significant pathways related to COVID-19, use the Laplacian Score values with respect to "Laplacian_Score_Feature_Selection.m" algorithm (see "Read_me.txt" file).
Link of paper:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.
Email: [email protected]
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