POST "/app/24/api/announcements/(announcementType)"
Replace (announcementType) with one of the following: General, Appsplash, Techsolve, Investeneur, Devology or Markative
"announcementMessage": "The body of the announcement",
message: 'Announcement Added!',
Check the error message and debug
GET "/app/24/api/announcements/(announcementType)"
Replace (announcementType) with one of the following: General, Appsplash, Techsolve, Investeneur, Devology or Markative
"data": [
"announcementID": 4,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"announcementMessage": "this is a new announcement",
"announcementDate": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm"
"announcementID": 3,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"announcementMessage": "Wussup\nmy name is mahmoud❤😂🦇",
"announcementDate": "11 Feb 2024, 5:57 am"
"announcementID": 2,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"announcementMessage": "Wussup\nmy name is mahmoud",
"announcementDate": "11 Feb 2024, 5:54 am"
Check the error message and debug
There is no announcements there
DELETE "/app/24/api/announcements/(announcementID)"
Replace (announcementID) with the id of the desired announcement
"message": "announcement deleted!"
Check the error message and debug
PUT "/app/24/api/announcements/(announcementID)"
Replace (announcementID) with the id of the desired announcement
"announcementMessage": "This is the body of the announcement",
"message": "announcement updated!"
Check the error message and debug
GET "/app/24/api/announcements/one/(announcementID)"
Replace (announcementID) with the id of the desired announcement
"data": {
"announcementID": 4,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"announcementMessage": "this is a new announcement",
"announcementDate": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm"
Check the error message and debug
There is no announcements there
POST "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskWorkshop)"
Replace (taskWorkshop) with one of the following: Appsplash, Techsolve, Investeneur, Devology or Markative
"taskMessage": "The body of the task",
"taskDeadline": DateObject.toString(),
message: 'task Added!',
Check the error message and debug
GET "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskWorkshop)"
Replace (taskWorkshop) with one of the following: Appsplash, Techsolve, Investeneur, Devology* or *Markative*
"data": [
"taskID": 4,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"taskMessage": "this is a new announcement",
"taskDate": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm",
"taskDeadline": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm",
Check the error message and debug
There is no announcements there
DELETE "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskID)"
Replace (taskID) with the id of the desired task
"message": "task deleted!"
Check the error message and debug
GET "/app/24/api/tasks/one/(taskID)"
Replace (taskID) with the id of the desired task
"data": {
"taskID": 4,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"taskMessage": "this is a new announcement",
"taskDate": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm",
"taskDeadline": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm",
Check the error message and debug
There is no tasks there
POST "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskID)/submissions"
Replace (taskID) with id of the desired task
"taskMessage": "The link of the submission (Google Drive)",
"message": 'Submission Added!',
Check the error message and debug
GET "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskID)/submissions"
Replace (taskID) with id of the desired task
"data": [
"submissionID": 4,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"submissionMessage": "this is a new announcement",
"submissionDate": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm"
Check the error message and debug
There is no announcements there
DELETE "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskID)/(submissionID)"
- Replace (taskID) with the id of the desired task
- Replace (submissionID) with the id of the desired submission
"message": "submission deleted!"
Check the error message and debug
GET "/app/24/api/tasks/(taskID)/submissions/user"
- Replace (taskID) with the id of the desired task
"data": {
"submissionID": 4,
"authorName": "Mahmoud Nael",
"submissionMessage": "this is a new announcement",
"submissionDate": "11 Feb 2024, 7:39 pm"
Check the error message and debug