implementation 'com.github.mahmoudalyudeen:validatableform:1.0.1'
To Define an input, use a Field
val username = Field<String>(initialValue = "", validator = { it.isNotBlank() })
Or you can skip the explicit type and argument names
val username = Field("") { it.isNotBlank() }
A field can have any type. It doesn't have to be a String.
To set the value of the field
username.value = "awesome user"
Or in a ViewModel, you can do something like this
fun onPasswordChanged(password: CharSequence) {
_loginForm.password.value = password.toString()
To get the value of the field
val usernameStr: String = username.value
Or by databinding
android:text="@{loginViewModel.loginForm.username.toString()}" />
Don't forget adding toString()
To evaluate the validity of the field
val isUsernameValid: Boolean = username.valid
To define a form, create a class extending ValidatableForm.
And override fields
and pass a list of all the fields you want to validate.
class LoginForm : ValidatableForm() {
val username = Field(initialValue = "") { it.isNotBlank() }
val password = Field(initialValue = "") { it.length >= 6 }
val agreeTos = Field(initialValue = false) { it }
override val fields = listOf(username, password, agreeTos)
Then create an instance of that class in your ViewModel with a backing property to allow access and prevent modification
private val _loginForm = LoginForm()
val loginForm: LoginForm
get() = _loginForm
To evaluate the validity of entire form
val isLoginValid: Boolean = loginForm.valid
Or by databinding
android:enabled="@{loginViewModel.loginForm.valid}" />
A field is created with a validator
; a lambda function that takes the value of the field as its input and returns true
when it's valid.
validator = { it.isNotBlank() }
validator = { it.length >= 6 }
validator = { it }
or validator = { !it }
validator = { it > 5 }
data class Birthday(
val day: Int? = null,
val month: Int? = null,
val year: Int? = null
) {
val valid
get() = day != null && month != null && year != null
val birthday = Field(Birthday()) { it.valid }
val password = Field("") { it.length >= 6 }
val passwordConfirmation = Field("") { it == password.value }
val optionalField = Field("") { true }
Usage with EasyValidation
EasyValidation is a validation library with very helpful extension functions to check for valid emails, phone numbers and passwords.
val email = Field("") { it.validEmail() }
If you want to use
val loginText = map(_loginForm.username.valueLive) { "Welcome back $it" }
Like the example app, you can create a binding adapter to set the helper text or error for a TextInputLayout