This is a full-stack project for a fictional tour booking company called Natours.
To get started with the project, clone the repository to your local machine and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd natours
npm install
To start the server, run:
npm start
or npm run start:dev
for development mode or npm run start:prod
for production mode
this will start the server on http://localhost:3000
The server will listen on port 3000
by default. You can also access the API at http://localhost:3000/api/v1
You can test with some test user-emails stored on the database like: "[email protected]", "[email protected]" with a password of "test1234", or you can create a new user.
The Natours project includes the following features:
- CRUD operations for tours, reviews, users, and bookings through a handler factory class that supports advanced fetures like: filtering, sorting, pagination, and field limiting
- Using aggregate functions to calculate tour statistics
- Geospatial querying for finding tours within a certain radius of a given location
- User authentication and authorization using JWT tokens
- Password encryption using the bcrypt library
- Password reset functionality using JWT tokens
- Handling of user roles and permissions
- Handling forgetting and resetting user passwords
- Specifying 2 special routes for updating either the current user's data or password
- Sending real emails for new signUps and resetting passwords to users using the SendinBlue API and the Mailtrap service
- Ability to get all reviews and create new reviews for a specific tour (nested routes)
- Ability to make new bookings through Stripe checkout sessions
- Using Stripe webhooks to handle asynchronous payment events to update booking statuses and protect against fraud
- Sophisticated handling of errors and exceptions using global error middleware and error controller in both development and production environments
- Catching errors in asynchronous functions using the catchAsync utility function
- Handling all unhandled rejections and uncaught exceptions
- Image upload and processing using the Cloudinary API, Multer and sharp packages
- Implementing advanced security measures like rate limiting and data sanitization to prevent security vulnerabilities
- Integration with the Mapbox API for displaying tour locations on a map
- Use of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture pattern to organize the project's code
- Use of the Pug template engine to render HTML templates on the server
- Use of the Parcel bundler to bundle the project's JavaScript files
- Use of the ESLint linter to maintain a consistent code style
- Use of the Prettier code formatter to maintain a consistent code style
- Deployment of the project to Cyclic hosting platform
- Enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow requests from other domains
- Some api documentation using postman
: a server-side JavaScript runtime environment for building scalable and efficient network applicationsExpress
: a popular Node.js web application framework for building APIs and web applicationsMongoDB
: a popular NoSQL database for storing and querying large volumes of unstructured dataMongoose
: an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js that provides a more intuitive way to interact with MongoDBJWT
: a widely-used standard for representing and transmitting secure authentication and authorization informationStripe
: a payment processing platform for securely processing credit and debit card paymentsMailtrap
: an email testing service that helps developers test email notifications without sending them to real usersMapbox
: a popular location data platform for building location-based applications and servicesPug
: a template engine for Node.js that makes it easy to create HTML templates with JavaScriptSendInBlue
: a transactional email service for sending emails to real usersCSS
: a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTMLMulter
: a Node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading filesSharp
: a Node.js image processing library for resizing and optimizing imagescloudinary
: a cloud service that offers a solution to a web application's entire image management pipelinePrettier
: an opinionated code formatter that helps maintain consistent code style across the entire projectESLint
: a popular JavaScript linter for identifying and reporting on patterns found in JavaScript codeparcel
: a web application bundler for JavaScript and CSS