Snake for the Twinkly led matrix
This Python program allows you to play the classic Snake game on a Twinkly LED board. It uses the Twinkly LED board to display the game grid and the snake.
Youtube: Click here to view a youtube 🎬 movie of the 🐍 snake game on the Twinkly Ledboard
Image of the game in action:
Before you can run this program, make sure you have the following:
- Twinkly LED board
- Python 3.x installed on your system. I dit use Python3 3.9.6 on a macbook pro M1
- The following Python libraries installed:
- xled
- io
- struct
- time
- random
- keyboard
- requests
You can install the required libraries using pip:
pip install xled keyboard requests
- Connect your Twinkly LED board to your computer.
- Run the Python script, and the Snake game will start on your LED board.
bash sudo python3
I needed to add sudo to use the keyboard in OSX.- Use the arrow keys or 'W', 'A', 'S', 'D' to control the snake's direction.
- Eat the red or yellow food to increase your score.
- Avoid colliding with the yourself.
- If you have a text to speach system, you can play the score after a game over your sound system. (see the last lines of code for that)
The game grid is configured for a 6-tile Twinkly LED board. See my image for the correct tile and cable setup. If you have a different configuration, you may need to adjust the led_matrix in the code to match your setup.
if you don't do this the same, the snake will move onlogical over the tiles :-)