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WIP: re-write GROG/Cartesian interface
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andrewwmao authored Jan 9, 2024
2 parents d6b49f4 + b8e5cf6 commit 4f0d391
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Showing 5 changed files with 131 additions and 169 deletions.
123 changes: 59 additions & 64 deletions src/FFTNormalOpBasisFunc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,38 @@
function calculateKernelBasis(img_shape, D::AbstractArray{G}, U::Matrix{Complex{T}}; verbose = false) where {G,T}
function calculateKernelBasis(img_shape, trj, U)
Ncoeff = size(U, 2)
Nt = length(trj) # number of time points
@assert Nt == size(U, 1) "Mismatch between trajectory and basis"

Λ = zeros(eltype(U), Ncoeff, Ncoeff, img_shape...)

for it eachindex(trj), ix axes(trj[it], 2)
k_idx = ntuple(j -> mod1(Int(trj[it][j, ix]) - img_shape[j] ÷ 2, img_shape[j]), length(img_shape)) # incorporates ifftshift
k_idx = CartesianIndex(k_idx)

Ncoeff = size(U,2)
Λ = Array{Complex{T}}(undef, Ncoeff, Ncoeff, img_shape...)
t = @elapsed begin
Threads.@threads for i CartesianIndices(img_shape) # takes 0.5s for 2D
Λ[:,:,i] .= U' * (D[i,:] .* U) #U' * diagm(D) * U
for ic CartesianIndices((Ncoeff, Ncoeff))
Λ[ic[1], ic[2], k_idx] += conj(U[it, ic[1]]) * U[it, ic[2]]
Λ .= ifftshift(Λ, 3:(3+length(img_shape)-1)) #could fftshift D first
verbose && println("Kernel calculation: t = $t s"); flush(stdout)
return Λ

function calculateKernelBasis(D, U)
Ncoeff = size(U, 2)
img_shape = size(D)[1:end-1]
Λ = Array{eltype(U)}(undef, Ncoeff, Ncoeff, img_shape...)

D .= ifftshift(D, 1:length(img_shape))
Threads.@threads for i CartesianIndices(img_shape)
Λ[:, :, i] .= U' * (D[i, :] .* U) #U' * diagm(D) * U

return Λ

## ##########################################################################
# FFTNormalOpBasisFunc
# FFTNormalOpBasis
struct FFTNormalOpBasisFunc{S,T,N,E,F,G}
struct _FFTNormalOpBasis{S,T,N,E,F,G}
Expand All @@ -28,31 +44,45 @@ struct FFTNormalOpBasisFunc{S,T,N,E,F,G}

function FFTNormalOpBasisFunc(
cmaps = (1,),
verbose = false,
D::AbstractArray{G} = ones(Int8, img_shape..., size(U,1)),
Λ = calculateKernelBasis(img_shape, D, U; verbose = verbose),
) where {G,T}
function FFTNormalOpBasis(img_shape, trj, U; cmaps=(1,))
Λ = calculateKernelBasis(img_shape, trj, U)
return FFTNormalOpBasis(Λ; cmaps)

Ncoeff = size(U, 2)
kL1 = Array{Complex{T}}(undef, img_shape..., Ncoeff)
function FFTNormalOpBasis(D, U; cmaps=(1,))
Λ = calculateKernelBasis(D, U)
return FFTNormalOpBasis(Λ; cmaps)

function FFTNormalOpBasis(Λ; cmaps=(1,))
Ncoeff = size(Λ, 1)
img_shape = size(Λ)[3:end]
kL1 = Array{eltype(Λ)}(undef, img_shape..., Ncoeff)
kL2 = similar(kL1)

@views kmask = (Λ[1,1,CartesianIndices(img_shape)] .!= 0)
@views kmask = (Λ[1, 1, CartesianIndices(img_shape)] .!= 0)
kmask_indcs = findall(vec(kmask))
Λ = reshape(Λ, Ncoeff, Ncoeff, :)
Λ = Λ[:,:,kmask_indcs]
Λ = Λ[:, :, kmask_indcs]

ktmp = @view kL1[CartesianIndices(img_shape), 1]
fftplan = plan_fft!(ktmp; flags=FFTW.MEASURE, num_threads=round(Int, Threads.nthreads() / Ncoeff))
ifftplan = plan_ifft!(ktmp; flags=FFTW.MEASURE, num_threads=round(Int, Threads.nthreads() / Ncoeff))
A = _FFTNormalOpBasis(img_shape, Ncoeff, fftplan, ifftplan, Λ, kmask_indcs, kL1, kL2, cmaps)

ktmp = @view kL1[CartesianIndices(img_shape),1]
fftplan = plan_fft!( ktmp; flags = FFTW.MEASURE, num_threads=round(Int, Threads.nthreads()/Ncoeff))
ifftplan = plan_ifft!(ktmp; flags = FFTW.MEASURE, num_threads=round(Int, Threads.nthreads()/Ncoeff))
return FFTNormalOpBasisFunc(img_shape, Ncoeff, fftplan, ifftplan, Λ, kmask_indcs, kL1, kL2, cmaps)
return LinearOperator(
prod(A.shape) * A.Ncoeff,
prod(A.shape) * A.Ncoeff,
(res, x, α, β) -> mul!(res, A, x, α, β),
(res, x, α, β) -> mul!(res, A, x, α, β),

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(x::Vector{T}, S::FFTNormalOpBasisFunc, b, α, β) where {T}
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(x::Vector{T}, S::_FFTNormalOpBasis, b, α, β) where {T}
idx = CartesianIndices(S.shape)

b = reshape(b, S.shape..., S.Ncoeff)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,46 +113,11 @@ function LinearAlgebra.mul!(x::Vector{T}, S::FFTNormalOpBasisFunc, b, α, β) wh

Threads.@threads for i 1:S.Ncoeff # multiply by C' and F'
@views S.ifftplan * S.kL2[idx, i]
@views xr[idx,i] .+= α .* conj.(cmap) .* S.kL2[idx,i]
@views xr[idx, i] .+= α .* conj.(cmap) .* S.kL2[idx, i]
return x

Base.:*(S::FFTNormalOpBasisFunc, b::AbstractVector) = mul!(similar(b), S, b)
Base.size(S::FFTNormalOpBasisFunc) = S.shape
Base.size(S::FFTNormalOpBasisFunc, dim) = S.shape[dim]
Base.eltype(::Type{FFTNormalOpBasisFunc{S,T,N,E,F,G}}) where {S,T,N,E,F,G} = T

## ##########################################################################
# LinearOperator of FFTNormalOpBasisFunc
function FFTNormalOpBasisFuncLO(A::FFTNormalOpBasisFunc{S,T,N,E,F,G}) where {S,T,N,E,F,G}
return LinearOperator(
prod(A.shape) * A.Ncoeff,
prod(A.shape) * A.Ncoeff,
(res, x, α, β) -> mul!(res, A, x, α, β),
(res, x, α, β) -> mul!(res, A, x, α, β),

function FFTNormalOpBasisFuncLO(
cmaps = (1,),
verbose = false,
D::AbstractArray{G} = ones(Int8, img_shape..., size(U,1)),
Λ = calculateKernelBasis(img_shape, D, U; verbose = verbose),
) where {G,T}

S = FFTNormalOpBasisFunc(img_shape, U; cmaps = cmaps, D=D, Λ = Λ)
return FFTNormalOpBasisFuncLO(S)
101 changes: 41 additions & 60 deletions src/GROG.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
function scGROG(data::AbstractArray{Complex{T}}, trj) where {T}
# self-calibrating radial GROG
# doi: 10.1002/mrm.21565
function grog_calculatekernel(data, trj, Nr)
# self-calibrating radial GROG (

# data should be passed with dimensions Nr x Ns x Ncoil
Nr = size(data, 1) #number of readout points
Ns = size(data, 2) # number of spokes across whole trajectory
Ncoil = size(data, 3)
data = reshape(data, Nr, :, Ncoil)
Ns = size(data, 2) # number of spokes across whole trajectory
Nd = size(trj[1], 1) # number of dimensions

@assert Nr > Ncoil "Ncoil < Nr, problem is ill posed"
@assert Ns > Ncoil^2 "Number of spokes < Ncoil^2, problem is ill posed"

# preallocations
lnG = Array{Complex{T}}(undef, Nd, Ncoil, Ncoil) #matrix of GROG operators
= Array{Complex{T}}(undef, Ns, Ncoil, Ncoil)
lnG = Array{eltype(data)}(undef, Nd, Ncoil, Ncoil) #matrix of GROG operators
= Array{eltype(data)}(undef, Ns, Ncoil, Ncoil)

# 1) Precompute n, m for the trajectory
trjr = reshape(combinedimsview(trj), Nd, Nr, :)
Expand All @@ -34,80 +33,62 @@ function scGROG(data::AbstractArray{Complex{T}}, trj) where {T}
return lnG

function griddedBackProjection(data::AbstractArray{Complex{T}}, lnG, trj, U::Matrix{Complex{T}}, cmaps; density=false, verbose=false) where {T}
# performs GROG gridding, returns backprojection and kernels
# assumes data is passed with dimensions Nr x NCyc*Nt x Ncoil
function grog_griddata!(data, trj, Nr, img_shape)
lnG = grog_calculatekernel(data, trj, Nr)

img_shape = size(cmaps[1])
Nr = size(data, 1) #number of readout points
Nt = length(trj) # number of time points
@assert Nt == size(U, 1) "Mismatch between trajectory and basis"
Ncoeff = size(U, 2)
Ncoil = size(data, 3)

idx = CartesianIndices(img_shape)
Ncoil = length(cmaps)
Nt = length(trj) # number of time points
data = reshape(data, :, Nt, Ncoil) # make sure data has correct size before gridding

exp_method = ExpMethodHigham2005()
cache = [ExponentialUtilities.alloc_mem(lnG[1], exp_method) for _ 1:Threads.nthreads()]
lGcache = [similar(lnG[1]) for _ 1:Threads.nthreads()]

# gridding
t = @elapsed Threads.@threads for i CartesianIndices(@view data[:, :, 1])
idt = Threads.threadid()
for j length(img_shape):-1:1
Threads.@threads for i CartesianIndices(@view data[:, :, 1])
idt = Threads.threadid() # TODO: fix data race bug
for j eachindex(img_shape)
trj_i = trj[i[2]][j, i[1]] * img_shape[j] + 1 / 2
k_idx = round(trj_i)
shift = (k_idx - trj_i) * Nr / img_shape[j]

# overwrite trj with rounded grid point index
trj[i[2]][j, i[1]] = k_idx + img_shape[j] ÷ 2

# overwrite data with gridded data
lGcache[idt] .= shift .* lnG[j]
@views data[i, :] = exponential!(lGcache[idt], exp_method, cache[idt]) * data[i, :]
verbose && println("Gridding: t = $t s"); flush(stdout)

# backprojection & kernel calculation
dataU = zeros(Complex{T}, img_shape..., Ncoil, Ncoeff)
Λ = zeros(Complex{T}, Ncoeff, Ncoeff, img_shape...)
if density
D = zeros(Int16, img_shape..., Nt)
function calculateBackProjection_gridded(data, trj, U, cmaps)
Ncoil = length(cmaps)
Ncoeff = size(U, 2)
img_shape = size(cmaps[1])
img_idx = CartesianIndices(img_shape)

t = @elapsed for i CartesianIndices(@view data[:, :, 1])
k_idx = ntuple(j -> mod1(Int(trj[i[2]][j, i[1]]) - img_shape[j]÷2, img_shape[j]), length(img_shape)) # incorporates ifftshift
k_idx = CartesianIndex(k_idx)
Nt = length(trj)
@assert Nt == size(U, 1) "Mismatch between trajectory and basis"
data = reshape(data, :, Nt, Ncoil)

# multiply by basis for backprojection
for icoef axes(U, 2), icoil axes(data, 3)
@views dataU[k_idx, icoil, icoef] += data[i[1], i[2], icoil] * conj(U[i[2], icoef])
# add to kernel
for ic CartesianIndices((Ncoeff, Ncoeff))
Λ[ic[1], ic[2], k_idx] += conj(U[i[2], ic[1]]) * U[i[2], ic[2]]
if density
k_idx_D = CartesianIndex(ntuple(j -> Int(trj[i[2]][j, i[1]]), length(img_shape)))
D[k_idx_D, i[2]] += 1
verbose && println("Kernel calculation & back-projection time: t = $t s"); flush(stdout)
dataU = similar(data, img_shape..., Ncoeff)
xbp = zeros(eltype(data), img_shape..., Ncoeff)

# compute backprojection
xbp = zeros(Complex{T}, img_shape..., Ncoeff)
xbpci = [Array{Complex{T}}(undef, img_shape) for _ = 1:Threads.nthreads()]
Threads.@threads for icoef axes(U, 2)
idt = Threads.threadid()
for icoil eachindex(cmaps)
@views ifft!(dataU[idx, icoil, icoef])
@views fftshift!(xbpci[idt], dataU[idx, icoil, icoef])
xbp[idx, icoef] .+= conj.(cmaps[icoil]) .* xbpci[idt]
for icoil axes(data, 3)
dataU[img_idx, icoef] .= 0

if density
return xbp, Λ, D
return xbp, Λ
for i CartesianIndices(@view data[:, :, 1])
k_idx = ntuple(j -> mod1(Int(trj[i[2]][j, i[1]]) - img_shape[j] ÷ 2, img_shape[j]), length(img_shape)) # incorporates ifftshift
k_idx = CartesianIndex(k_idx)

@views dataU[k_idx, icoef] += data[i[1], i[2], icoil] * conj(U[i[2], icoef])

@views ifft!(dataU[img_idx, icoef])
@views xbp[img_idx, icoef] .+= conj.(cmaps[icoil]) .* fftshift(dataU[img_idx, icoef])
return xbp
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/MRFingerprintingRecon.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using LinearOperators
using SplitApplyCombine
using ExponentialUtilities

export FFTNormalOpBasisFunc, FFTNormalOpBasisFuncLO, scGROG, griddedBackProjection
export FFTNormalOpBasis, grog_griddata!, calculateBackProjection_gridded
export NFFTNormalOpBasisFunc, NFFTNormalOpBasisFuncLO, calcCoilMaps, calculateBackProjection, kooshball, kooshballGA

function __init__()
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions test/reconstruct_cart.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,7 @@ for icoil = 1:Ncoil
data .= ifftshift(data, (1,2))
fft!(data, (1,2))
data .= fftshift(data, (1,2))
data .*= D
data .= ifftshift(data, (1,2))
data .*= ifftshift(D, (1,2))
ifft!(data, (1,2))
data .= fftshift(data, (1,2))
Threads.@threads for i CartesianIndices(@view x[:,:,1])
Expand All @@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ for icoil = 1:Ncoil

## construct forward operator
A = FFTNormalOpBasisFuncLO((Nx,Nx), U; cmaps=cmaps, D=D)
A = FFTNormalOpBasis(D, U; cmaps)

## test forward operator is symmetric
Λ = zeros(Complex{T}, Nc, Nc, Nx^2)
Expand Down

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