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Merge pull request #100 from MagneticParticleImaging/JA/zero-in-tf
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Remove special treatment of DC in tfCorrection + fix load_TF_fromVNA
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nHackel authored Dec 6, 2024
2 parents 86ec896 + caa03af commit f0274d9
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Showing 6 changed files with 201 additions and 66 deletions.
23 changes: 17 additions & 6 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ The `TransferFunction` object is constructed from samples in frequency space and

```@setup tf
using MPIFiles
using MPIFiles.Unitful
```@repl tf
f = collect(range(0,1e6,step=1e3));
Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,9 @@ tf(1e4, [1,2])
## Units
To attach units to the `TransferFunction` the keyword-parameter `units` can to be used to give a `Unitful` unit to every channel of the tf. This can be useful if the transfer function is not dimensionless but relates two physical quantities, e.g. voltage and current in the form of an impedance. All **interpolated** accesses to tf data then return a `Unitful.Quantity`.
To attach units to the `TransferFunction` the keyword-parameter `units` can to be used to give a `Unitful` unit to every channel of the tf. Alternatively `data` can just be a Unitful.Quantity. Then `units` is ignored.

This can be useful if the transfer function is not dimensionless but relates two physical quantities, e.g. voltage and current in the form of an impedance. All **interpolated** accesses to tf data then return a `Unitful.Quantity`.

```@repl tf
R = 1; # Ohm
Expand All @@ -42,6 +45,14 @@ RL = TransferFunction(f, R .+ im*2pi*f*L, units=["V/A"])

```@repl tf
f_unitful = collect(range(0u"Hz",1u"MHz",step=1u"kHz"));
R = 1u"Ω";
L = 10u"µH";
RL = TransferFunction(f_unitful, R .+ im*2pi*f_unitful*L .|> u"V/A")

## Saving and loading
A `TransferFunction` object can be saved to and loaded from a .h5 file.

Expand All @@ -50,20 +61,20 @@, tf::TransferFunction)

## Additional constructors

In addition to the constructor taking a single (complex) array it is also possible to give two arrays representing amplitude and phase.
## Constructors
The `TransferFunction` constructor can take either a complex data array or two arrays representing the amplitude and phase of the transfer function. Unitful conversion is automatically done for all parameters.

It is also possible to construct a `TransferFunction` from the transfer function data included in an `MPIFile`.

MPIFiles.TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Real}, ampdata::Array{<:Real,N}, phasedata::Array{<:Real,N}) where N

## Other interesting functions
combine(::TransferFunction, ::TransferFunction)

14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions src/MDF.jl
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Expand Up @@ -252,17 +252,9 @@ function rxTransferFunction(f::MDFFile)
return nothing
function rxTransferFunctionFileName(f::MDFFile)
parameter = "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunctionFileName"
if haskey(f.file, parameter)
return f[parameter]
return nothing
function rxHasTransferFunction(f::MDFFile)
haskey(f.file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunction")
rxTransferFunctionFileName(f::MDFFile) = @keyoptional f["/acquisition/receiver/transferFunctionFileName"]
rxHasTransferFunction(f::MDFFile) = haskey(f.file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunction")

rxInductionFactor(f::MDFFileV1) = nothing
rxInductionFactor(f::MDFFileV2) = @keyoptional f["/acquisition/receiver/inductionFactor"]

Expand Down
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions src/Measurements.jl
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Expand Up @@ -271,18 +271,18 @@ function getMeasurements(f::MPIFile, neglectBGFrames=true;
if tfCorrection && !measIsTFCorrected(f)
tf = rxTransferFunction(f)
inductionFactor = rxInductionFactor(f)
if isnothing(tf)
error("No transfer function available in file, please use tfCorrection=false")
if isnothing(inductionFactor)
@warn "The file is missing the induction factor. The induction factor will be set to 1."
inductionFactor = ones(Float64, rxNumChannels(f))

J = size(data,1)
dataF = rfft(data, 1)
dataF[2:end,:,:,:] ./= tf[2:end,:,:,:]

if all(tf[1,:,:,:] .!= 0) && !any(isnan.(tf[1,:,:,:]))
dataF[1,:,:,:] ./= tf[1,:,:,:]
dataF ./= tf
map!(x -> isnan(x) ? zero(eltype(dataF)) : x, dataF, dataF)

@warn "This measurement has been corrected with a Transfer Function. Name of TF: $(rxTransferFunctionFileName(f))"
if !isnothing(inductionFactor)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,16 +330,15 @@ function getMeasurementsFD(f::MPIFile, args...;
if tfCorrection && !measIsTFCorrected(f)
tf = rxTransferFunction(f)
inductionFactor = rxInductionFactor(f)
if isnothing(tf)
error("No transfer function available in file, please use tfCorrection=false")
if isnothing(inductionFactor)
@warn "The file is missing the induction factor. The induction factor will be set to 1."
inductionFactor = ones(Float64, rxNumChannels(f))

data[2:end,:,:,:] ./= tf[2:end,:,:,:]

if all(tf[1,:,:,:] .!= 0) && !any(isnan.(tf[1,:,:,:]))
data[1,:,:,:] ./= tf[1,:,:,:]
data ./= tf

@warn "This measurement has been corrected with a Transfer Function. Name of TF: $(rxTransferFunctionFileName(f))"
if !isnothing(inductionFactor)
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134 changes: 104 additions & 30 deletions src/TransferFunction.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ $(TYPEDEF)
TransferFunction(freq_::Vector{<:Real}, datain::Array{<:Complex}; inductionFactor::Vector{<:Real}=ones(size(datain, 2)), units::Vector=Unitful.FreeUnits[Unitful.NoUnits for i in 1:size(datain, 2)])
TransferFunction(freq::Vector, data::Array, [phasedata]; [inductionFactor], [units])
Create a `TransferFunction` from a complex data array at frequencies `freq_`.
Create a `TransferFunction` from a data array `data` at frequencies `freq`.
`freq` is given in Hz or should have a Unitful frequency unit attached
`data` should have the shape [frequencies, channels]. `data` can be either complex or real, if `data` is real a second array `phasedata` can be passed representing the phase in radians. Both the amplitude and the phase can have Unitful units.
# Optional Keyword-Arguments:
- `inductionFactor::Vector{<:Real}`: induction factor for each channel
- `units::Vector`: units for each channel, can be either Unitful.FreeUnits or a string that can be parsed as a Unitful unit
- `units::Vector`: units for each channel, can be either Unitful.FreeUnits or a string that can be parsed as a Unitful unit. Instead of using this keyword, `data` can also have Unitful units attached, then the units keyword-argument is ignored.
mutable struct TransferFunction
Expand All @@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ mutable struct TransferFunction

function TransferFunction(freq_::Vector{<:Real}, datain::Array{<:Number}; inductionFactor::Vector{<:Real}=ones(size(datain, 2)), units::Vector=Unitful.FreeUnits[Unitful.NoUnits for i in 1:size(datain, 2)])
function TransferFunction(freq_::Vector{<:Real}, datain::Array{<:Complex}; inductionFactor::Vector{<:Real}=ones(size(datain, 2)), units::Vector=Unitful.FreeUnits[Unitful.NoUnits for i in 1:size(datain, 2)])
parsed_units = Unitful.FreeUnits[]
for tmp in units
if isa(tmp, String); tmp = uparse(tmp) end # get correct unit from unit strings
Expand All @@ -42,25 +44,38 @@ end, ::MIME"text/plain", tf::TransferFunction) = print(io, "MPIFiles.TransferFunction: \n\t$(size(,2)) channel(s), units of $(string.(tf.units))\n\t$(size(,1)) frequency samples from $(tf.freq[1]) Hz to $(tf.freq[end]) Hz")

Create a `TransferFunction` from separate amplitude and phase arrays at frequencies `freq`.
`ampdata` and `phasedata` should have the following shape: [frequencies, channels]
function TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Real}, ampdata::Array{<:Real,N}, phasedata::Array{<:Real,N}; kwargs...) where N
function TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Real}, ampdata::Array{<:Union{Real,Unitful.AbstractQuantity{<:Real}},N}, phasedata::Array{<:Real,N}; kwargs...) where N
if size(ampdata) != size(phasedata); error("The size of ampdata and phasedata must match!") end
data = ampdata.*exp.(im.*phasedata)
return TransferFunction(freq, data; kwargs...)

TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Unitful.Frequency}, args...; kwargs...) = TransferFunction(ustrip.(u"Hz", freq), args...; kwargs...)
TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Real}, ampdata::Array{<:Union{Real,Unitful.AbstractQuantity{<:Real}},N}, phasedata::Array{<:Unitful.DimensionlessQuantity{<:Real},N}; kwargs...) where N = TransferFunction(freq, ampdata, ustrip.(u"rad", phasedata); kwargs...)
TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Real}, ampdata::Array{<:Union{Real,Unitful.AbstractQuantity{<:Real}},N}; kwargs...) where N = TransferFunction(freq, ampdata, zeros(size(ampdata)); kwargs...)

function TransferFunction(freq::Vector{<:Real}, datain::Array{<:Unitful.AbstractQuantity{<:Complex},N}; units=nothing, kwargs...) where N
if !isnothing(units)
@warn "You passed explicit units combined with a Unitful data array. The explicit units will be ignored!"
units = Unitful.FreeUnits[]
for ch in eachcol(datain)
ch_units = Unitful.unit.(ch)
if all(y->y==ch_units[1], ch_units)
push!(units, ch_units[1])
error("One TransferFunction channel must have identical units!")
return TransferFunction(freq, ustrip.(datain); units=units, kwargs...)

Create a `TransferFunction` from a data file at `filename`.
The file can be either a h5-File created with this package. Keyword arguments will be passed to `load_tf_fromVNA`
The file can be either a h5-File created with this package or a file that is written by a VNA. Keyword arguments will be passed to `load_tf_fromVNA`
function TransferFunction(filename::String; kargs...)
filenamebase, ext = splitext(filename)
Expand All @@ -80,8 +95,12 @@ Create a `TransferFunction` from the tf data saved in a MPIFile (see `rxTransfer
function TransferFunction(file::MPIFile)
tf_file = rxTransferFunction(file)
inductionFactor = rxInductionFactor(file)
f = collect(rfftfreq(rxNumSamplingPoints(file), rxBandwidth(file)*2))
return TransferFunction(f, abs.(tf_file), angle.(tf_file), inductionFactor=inductionFactor)
f = rxFrequencies(file)
if isnothing(inductionFactor)
return TransferFunction(f, abs.(tf_file), angle.(tf_file))
return TransferFunction(f, abs.(tf_file), angle.(tf_file), inductionFactor=inductionFactor)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,7 +151,6 @@ end

Combine two `TransferFunctions` along their channel dimension. If interpolate=false, will only work if the frequency samples are identical.
function combine(tf1::TransferFunction, tf2::TransferFunction; interpolate=false)
Expand All @@ -142,16 +160,18 @@ function combine(tf1::TransferFunction, tf2::TransferFunction; interpolate=false
data = cat(,, dims=2)
freq = unique(sort(cat(tf1.freq, tf2.freq, dims=1)))
data = cat(tf1(freq, :), tf2(freq, :), dims=2)
data = cat(ustrip.(tf1(freq, :)), ustrip.(tf2(freq, :)), dims=2)
inductionFactor = cat(tf1.inductionFactor, tf2.inductionFactor, dims=1)
units = cat(tf1.units, tf2.units, dims=1)
return TransferFunction(freq, data, inductionFactor=inductionFactor, units=units)

combine(tf::TransferFunction, ::Nothing; interpolate=false) = combine(tf, TransferFunction(tf.freq, zeros(length(tf.freq))))
combine(::Nothing, tf::TransferFunction; interpolate=false) = combine(TransferFunction(tf.freq, zeros(length(tf.freq))), tf)

Save `tf` as a h5 file to `filename`
function save(filename::String, tf::TransferFunction)
Expand All @@ -162,13 +182,11 @@ function save(filename::String, tf::TransferFunction)
return nothing

"""TODO: fix function and write docs"""
function load_tf_fromVNA(filename::String;
R = 50.0, #Ω
N = 10, #5# Turns
A = 7.4894*10.0^-4) #m^2 #1.3e-3^2*pi;)

Read the data recorded with the VNA from file `filename` into three Julia arrays `freq`, `ampdata`, `phasedata`
function readVNAdata(filename::String)
file = open(filename)
lines = readlines(file)
apdata = Float64[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,11 +249,62 @@ function load_tf_fromVNA(filename::String;
return freq, apdata, aϕdata

Load data receive calibration from file recorded with the VNA. Data will be processed by `processRxTransferFunction`, see there for keyword arguments
function load_tf_fromVNA(filename::String; kwargs...)
freq, ampdata, phasedata = readVNAdata(filename)
compdata = ampdata.*exp.(im.*phasedata)
if any([:R,:N,:A] .∈ [keys(kwargs)])
@warn "In v0.16.1 and below load_tf_fromVNA mistakenly ignored the keyword parameters R, N and A. The current version includes these parametes if set, resulting in the correct scaling in magnetic moment domain."
return processRxTransferFunction(freq, compdata; kwargs...)

Process the data from a receive calibration measurement using a calibration coil into a TransferFunction
Keyword parameters:
- `frequencyWeighting`: if true corrects for the frequency term in the TF, which results in a TF that does not integrate on application, but instead shows derivative of magnetic moment
- `R`: value of the resistance of the calibration coil in Ω
- `N`: number of turns of the calibration coil
- `A`, `r`, `d`: Area in m² or radius/diameter in m of the calibration coil, define only one
function processRxTransferFunction(freq, compdata; frequencyWeighting::Bool=false,
R::Union{Real,Nothing} = nothing, # Ω
N::Union{Real,Nothing} = nothing, # Turns
A::Union{Real,Nothing} = nothing, #
r::Union{Real,Nothing} = nothing, # m
d::Union{Real,Nothing} = nothing) # m

if sum(.!isnothing.([A,r,d])) > 1
error("You can only define one of the keyword parameters A, r or d defining the geometry of the calibration coil")
elseif !isnothing(d)
A = pi * (d/2)^2
elseif !isnothing(r)
A = pi * r^2

if all(isnothing.([R,N,A]))
unit = u"V/V"
@warn "No calibration coil parameters set in `processRxTransferFunction`. Make sure this is intended"
elseif any(isnothing.([R,N,A]))
error("To process the rxTransferFunction all three parameters describing the calibration coil (R, N and A) need to be defined.")
unit = u"V/A*m^2"
compdata .*= R/(N*A)

if frequencyWeighting
apdata ./= (freq.*2*pi) # As TF is defined as u_ADC = u_coil *TF the derivative from magnetic moment is applied as the division of the TF by w
compdata ./= (im*freq.*2*pi) # As TF is defined as u_ADC = u_coil *TF the derivative from magnetic moment is applied as the division of the TF by jw

return TransferFunction(freq, apdata, aϕdata)
return TransferFunction(freq, compdata, units=[unit])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,9 +359,9 @@ function setTF(b::BrukerFile, filenameTF::AbstractString)

setTF(f::MDFFile, filenameTF::AbstractString) = setTF(f, TransferFunction(filenameTF), filenameTF)

function setTF(f::MDFFile, filenameTF::AbstractString)
tmf = TransferFunction(filenameTF)
function setTF(f::MDFFile, tmf::TransferFunction, filenameTF::Union{AbstractString,Nothing}=nothing)
tf = sampleTF(tmf, f)

# We need to close the HDF5 file handle before we can write to it
Expand All @@ -302,7 +371,9 @@ function setTF(f::MDFFile, filenameTF::AbstractString)
if haskey(file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunctionFileName")
delete_object(file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunctionFileName")
write(file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunctionFileName", filenameTF)
if !isnothing(filenameTF)
write(file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunctionFileName", filenameTF)
if haskey(file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunction")
delete_object(file, "/acquisition/receiver/transferFunction")
Expand All @@ -312,10 +383,13 @@ function setTF(f::MDFFile, filenameTF::AbstractString)
write(file, "/acquisition/receiver/inductionFactor", tmf.inductionFactor)
# reopen filehandler so f stays usable
f.file = h5open(filepath(f), "r")

function setTF(f::MDFv2InMemory, tf::TransferFunction)
rxTransferFunction(f, sampleTF(tf, f))
rxInductionFactor(f, tf.inductionFactor)

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