In case you want to prepare yourself for a job interview, or just need access to common data structures.
I've documented the process of creating this code here.
Classic data structures and algorithms (with tests!) written in JavaScript
- Singly Linked List
- Min/Max Binary Heap
- Trie (With Pre-Order Traversal Sorting)
- Stack (push, pop, peek, and isEmpty)
- Queue (add, remove, peek, isEmpty)
- Binary Search Tree
- Hash Table
As well as the following algorithms:
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Binary Search
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Shuffle (Fisher–Yates)
If you want access to these data structures in your project, include this package.
> var algorithms: = require('js-algorithms')
> algorithms
dataStructures: {
binaryHeap: [Function],
binarySearchTree: [Function: bst],
linkedList: [Function],
maxHeap: [Function],
minHeap: [Function],
queue: [Function],
stack: [Function],
stackQueue: [Function],
trie: [Function] },
algorithms: {
sorting: {
quickSort: [Function]
mergeSort: [Function]
shuffle: [Function]