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TypeScript Angular Services Generator

Marc Schmidt edited this page Jul 14, 2024 · 1 revision

The TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator class is available in the @goast/typescript NPM package.


The TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator requires the following input data:


Common generator configuration

Property Type Default Description
outputDir string (inherited) The directory where the generated files should be saved.
clearOutputDir 'boolean' (inherited) No effect on this generator.
indent IndentOptions 2 spaces The type of indentation to use.
newLine string os.EOL The string to use for new lines.

Common TypeScript generator configuration

Property Type Default Description
importModuleTransformer ImportModuleTransformer 'omit-extension' The transformer to use for transforming import module paths.
fileNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing 'kebab' The casing to use for file names.
typeNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing 'pascal' The casing to use for type names.
functionNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing 'camel' The casing to use for function names.
propertyNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing 'camel' The casing to use for property names.
enumValueNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing 'pascal' The casing to use for enum value names.
constantNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing Upper snake case The casing to use for constant names.
genericParamNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing Pascal case with T prefix The casing to use for generic parameter names.
paramNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing 'camel' The casing to use for parameter names.
preferUnknown boolean true Whether to prefer unknown over any.
useSingleQuotes boolean true Whether to use single quotes for strings.

TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator configuration

Property Type Default Description
provideKind 'root | 'provide-fn'` 'root' How the services should be provided in the Angular application.
  • 'root': provides all the services using Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }).
  • 'provide-fn': generates a function provideApiClients that provides the services.
domainName string (nullable) undefined The domain name of the API. Used as a prefix for exported components (e.g. ApiConfiguration).
strictResponseTypes boolean true Whether to use strict response types for the services. If enabled only the status codes are included that are defined in the OpenAPI specification or the defaultStatusCodeResponseTypes option.
defaultStatusCodeResponseTypes Record<number, { parser, type }> Status codes 401, 403 and 500 with null response The default response types for status codes that are not defined in the OpenAPI specification.
possibleStatusCodes number[] All known status codes The possible status codes that any API endpoint can return. This is only used when strictResponseTypes is set to false.
rootUrl string | RegExp | ((rootUrl: string) => string) (nullable) undefined Explicitly set the root URL of the API. If undefined, the root URL is taken from the first server in the OpenAPI specification.
pathModifier RegExp | ((path: string, endpoint: ApiEndpoint) => string) (nullable) undefined Modifier that is applied to the path of each endpoint.
servicesDir string 'services' The directory where the services should be saved. The path is relative to the output directory.
serviceFileNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing (nullable) Kebab case with ".service" suffix The casing of the file names for the services. If nullish, the fileNameCasing is used.
servicesIndexFile string (nullable) 'services.ts' The path to the index file where all services should be exported. The path is relative to the output directory. If nullish, no index file will be generated.
responseModelsDir string 'models/responses' The directory where the response models should be saved. The path is relative to the output directory.
responseModelFileNameCasing ExtendedStringCasing (nullable) Kebab case with "-responses.model" suffix The casing of the file names for the response models. If nullish, the fileNameCasing is used.
responseModelsIndexFile string (nullable) 'responses.ts' The path to the index file where all response models should be exported. The path is relative to the output directory. If nullish, no index file will be generated.
utilsDir string 'utils' The directory where the utilies should be saved. The path is relative to the output directory.


The TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator generates the following TypeScript files:

  • One file for each service (tag) that is placed in the {outputDir}/{servicesDir} directory.
  • One file for each response model that is placed in the {outputDir}/{responseModelsDir} directory.
  • Utility files that are placed in the {outputDir}/{utilsDir} directory.
  • (optional) An index file that exports all services at {outputDir}/{servicesIndexFile}.
  • (optional) An index file that exports all response models at {outputDir}/{responseModelsIndexFile}.

It also provides the following data that can be used by subsequent generators:

  • A record that maps the service id (ApiService['id']) to the following information about the generated service:
    • component: The name of the service class.
    • filePath: The path to the file where the class was saved.
    • responseModels: A record that maps the operation id to the following information about the generated response model:
      • component: The name of the response model type.
      • filePath: The path to the file where the type was saved.
  • The path to the index file exporting all service classes that were generated.
  • typescript.indexFiles.responseModels: The path to the index file exporting all response models that were generated.


To extend the functionality of the TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator, you have two options:

  1. Create a class that extends the DefaultTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator class.
  2. Create a class that implements the TypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator interface.

You can use the custom implementation in two ways:

  1. Initialize an instance of the TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator with the custom class directly.
  2. Create a new class that extends the TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator and pass the custom implementation to its constructor.

These approaches allow you to customize and enhance the behavior of the TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator to meet your specific requirements.


Create a custom generator by extending the DefaultTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator class

import { DefaultTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator } from '@goast/typescript';

class CustomTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator extends DefaultTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator {
  // Implement custom methods and method overrides here

Create a custom generator by implementing the TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator interface

import {
} from '@goast/typescript';

class CustomTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator implements TypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator {
  public generate(ctx: TypeScriptAngularServiceGeneratorContext): TypeScriptComponentOutput {
    // Implement custom generation logic here

Use the custom generator directly

import { Factory, OpenApiGenerator } from '@goast/core';
import { TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator } from '@goast/typescript';

new OpenApiGenerator({ outputDir: 'out' })
  .useValue(new TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator(Factory.fromType(CustomTypeScriptAngularServiceGenerator)))

Use the custom generator by extending the TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator class

import { Factory, OpenApiGenerator } from '@goast/core';
import { TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator } from '@goast/typescript';

class CustomTypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator extends TypeScriptAngularServicesGenerator {
  constructor() {
  // Implement custom methods and method overrides here

new OpenApiGenerator({ outputDir: 'out' })