- Shir Avraham
- Yuval Zarbiv
- Matti Stern
On this part the Sections we chose are : section 4 ,section 5 and section 6.
Ocean Scene: The scene: https://github.com/MYS-games/Assignment-week8-part2/blob/master/Assets/Scenes/4-generation/ocaenScean.unity We added 6 new tiles that create an ocean with fish and reefs:
sea tile : walkable tile.
fish tile (Player) :
shark tile : unwalkable tile.
orange reef tile : unwalkable tile.
blue reef tile : walkable tile.
we create 2 new scripts (Based on cave generator scripts) that create a random map with these tiles: Ocean generator And Tilemap Ocean generator
Carver Scene: The scene: https://github.com/MYS-games/Assignment-week8-part2/blob/master/Assets/Scenes/4-generation/Carver.unity
We change the scripts KeyboardMover And KeyboardMoverByTile and added conditions that is the X key is pressed and also pressed one of the arrows, the player can carve the mountain and find diamonds. we uploaded this scene to the itch : Carver Game
oceanChaser Scene: The scene: https://github.com/MYS-games/Assignment-week8-part2/blob/master/Assets/Scenes/4-generation/oceanChaser.unity
we create 2 new scripts (Based on cave generator scripts) that create a random map with the ocean tiles we used on section 4 we also added the same 2 chaser enemies from the source code and their scripts and we added a Door on the right top corner that has collider and trigger that enlarges the map by 10 % each time the player touch it.
the player can also "eat" the orangeReef by pressing X and one of the arrows (same as the carver scene on section 5), it allows him to get out of "cave".
The scripts : Ocean generator Chaser And Tilemap Ocean generator chaser And the collision script Door Collider