MXCHIP Open Stack
- 为嵌入式设备设计的物联网开发软件平台
- 基于实时操作系统设计
- 支持各种微控制器平台
- 无线网络接入方案:Wi-Fi,蓝牙,LoRa,蜂窝网络
- 内置云服务接入中间件和各种示例代码
- 优秀的低功耗控制功能
- 为物联网产品量产设计的应用程序框架
- 为应用开发提供的大量编程工具
- board:板级定制代码
- include:MXOS核心功能接口
- libraries:MXOS软件中间件,应用支持代码等
- makefiles:MiCoder 编译工具链文件
- MXOS:MXOS核心库,二进制文件和相关系统代码
- platform:基于不同开发环境,硬件平台的特性文件
- resources:模组功能所需要的资源文件,如射频固件等
- sub_build:booloader 和 JTAG 下载的 RAM code
- template:工程模板文件
Notice: Internal use only
MXCHIP Open Stack
- Software development platform designed for embedded devices
- Based on a real time operation system
- Support abundant MCUs
- Wi-Fi, bluetooth connectivity total solution, LoRa, Cellular network
- Build-in protocols for cloud service
- State-of-the-art low power management
- Application framework for I.O.T product
- Rich tools and mobile APP to accelerate development
- board: BSP file, Hardware resources and configurations on different boards.
- include: MXOS core APIs.
- libraries: Open source software libraries.
- makefiles:MiCoder compile toolchain files.
- MXOS: MXOS core libraries, binary file and system codes.
- platform: codes based in different IDE and hardware.
- resources:resources, like RF firmware, needed by modules.
- sub_build:booloader and RAM code for JTAG flasher.
- template:template files for new project.