MVLecture is a software package built on top of Node.js and ffmpeg that can easily and simply stream your choice of webcam and mic to a YouTube account. It includes features for flipping the webcam (if it's upside-down), among others. It runs on both Mac and Windows, but currently runs best on Windows.
$ git clone && cd mvlecture && npm install
Node.js must be installed for this to work. The ffmpeg executable is included in this Git repository, so you don't need to download that.
node server.js
This will start the server at port 1266. Open that in any browser to start streaming from your YouTube account.
For some additional configuration, you can create a config file called config.json. Here are the options you have to adjust:
"shouldStreamToYoutube": true, // (Windows) [true by default] false will save the recording to a local file
"youtubeCompression": true, // (Windows) [true by default] false will turn of compression; less CPU but more network required
"flipVideo": true // (Mac and Windows) [true by default] will flip the video 180deg
The code currently works best on Windows computers. If you'd like to add more features or improve Mac support, please submit a pull request.