A Leading-by-Nose implementation for Kawasaki robots.
##Files This folder contains the following files:
- LICENSE: GNU general public license
- Relazione.docx: report of the work we have done in word format
- Relazione.pdf: report of the work we have done in pdf format
- morz_follow.as: program which move the Kawasaki robot, following the received data
- morz_pc_gen.as: PC program which produces simulated data, both translational and rotational, needed for
- morz_pc_mgen.as: PC program which produces simulated translational velocity needed for
- morz_pc_rgen.as: PC program which produces simulated rotational velocity needed for
##How to use For the execution with simulated data, you have to execute one of the following PC programs:
pcexec morz_pc_gen
pcexec morz_pc_mgen
pcexec morz_pc_rgen
or, for the execution with real data (file not included here):
pcexec qggp_sensorUDP
finally, to make the robot move, you have to call the program:
exec morz_follow
- Marco Maddiona
- Riccardo Orizio
- Mattia Rizzini
- Maurizio Zucchelli