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Releases: MOARdV/AvionicsSystems

Avionics Systems v0.95.3

26 Feb 13:30
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 26 February 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed. This is a Scatterer issue.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #243.


  • The MASContextMenu part module is deprecated. It will be removed in v0.96.0.


  • Initialization errors related to IL code generation for certain function signatures has been fixed. Issue #253.

New Features

  • fc.SetPodColorChanger(newState) and fc.TogglePodColorChanger() allow control over a ModuleColorChanger installed on the current IVA's part. This module typically controls external window glow effects. fc.GetPodColorChanger() returns the current state of the module (on or off), fc.PodColorChangerExists() returns 1 if there is a color changer available.
  • fc.SetColorChanger(newState), fc.ToggleColorChanger(), and fc.GetColorChanger() behave similarly to the pod-specific functions, but they apply to all color changer modules. See also the Color Changer category in MASFlightComputerProxy for further details.
  • fc.MASLandingLatitude(), fc.MASLandingLongitude(), fc.MASLandingAltitude(), and fc.MASLandingTime() return landing predictions generated using only the MAS landing computer, instead of using installed mods when available. Issue #255.
  • fc.StockDeltaV() and fc.StockDeltaVStage() report the total vessel delta-V and current stage delta-V as computed by the stock KSP delta-V calculator. Issue #254.

Players only need to download the AvionicsSystems zip file. The PropConfig zip file is for IVA developers who wish to use the PropConfig tool.

Avionics Systems v0.95.2

24 Feb 18:37
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 24 February 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed. This is a Scatterer issue.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #243.

For Players


  • The MAS_IndADV_2Scales props have been removed to make way for modernized versions of the props (some have been added).
  • The MASContextMenu part module is deprecated. It will be removed in v0.96.0.
  • fc.TogglePersistent(persistentName) no longer returns a string in the corner case where persistentName was a string that could not be converted to a number. In those cases, the persistent is treated like it was 0, and it allows for more efficient evaluation of TogglePersistent (it always returns 0 or 1).


  • fc.FormatString() works with MAS custom formatters.

New Features

  • The ANIMATION_PLAYER now supports looped animations and variable animation speeds.
  • fc.ColorTag(colorName) returns the Color Tag that corresponds to the selected named color. Issue #251.
  • Similarly, fc.ColorComponent(colorName, channel) will return the R, G, B, or A value for the named color identified by colorName. Issue #251.


  • MiniAVC is no longer packaged with MAS. I recommend using KSP-AVC for tracking update availability.
  • The Wiki pages have been reorganized, and some of the older pages removed. IVA creator and Prop creator pages have been started, although they haven't been updated completely.

Avionics Systems v0.95.1

24 Feb 15:41
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 24 February 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed. This is a Scatterer issue.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #243.

For Players


  • The MAS_IndADV_2Scales props have been removed to make way for modernized versions of the props (some have been added).
  • The MASContextMenu part module is deprecated. It will be removed in v0.96.0.
  • fc.TogglePersistent(persistentName) no longer returns a string in the corner case where persistentName was a string that could not be converted to a number. In those cases, the persistent is treated like it was 0, and it allows for more efficient evaluation of TogglePersistent (it always returns 0 or 1).

New Features

  • The ANIMATION_PLAYER now supports looped animations and variable animation speeds.
  • fc.ColorTag(colorName) returns the Color Tag that corresponds to the selected named color. Issue #251.
  • Similarly, fc.ColorComponent(colorName, channel) will return the R, G, B, or A value for the named color identified by colorName. Issue #251.


  • MiniAVC is no longer packaged with MAS. I recommend using KSP-AVC for tracking update availability.
  • The Wiki pages have been reorganized, and some of the older pages removed. IVA creator and Prop creator pages have been started, although they haven't been updated completely.

Avionics Systems v0.95.0

18 Feb 15:21
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 18 February 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #243.
  • Requires MechJeb 2.8.2 or later to interface with MJ.


  • fc.SetHeading(reference, heading, pitch, roll) was removed. Please use fc.EngageAttitudePilot(reference, heading, pitch, roll).


  • MAS v0.95.0 is compatible with MechJeb 2.8.2.

New Features

  • fc.FormatString(format, arg0) formats a single argument using C# string formatting. This allows the format string to be a variable.
  • fc.EngageAttitudePilot(reference, heading, pitch) allows the vessel heading to be fixed towards an off-axis direction without locking roll.
  • The MAS attitude control system now has an "UP" reference option for controlling vessel orientation.
  • IndicatorADV props have been upgraded for MAS thanks to alexustas. All current Indicator ADV props have been updated.
  • IFMS integrated flight management system has been updated again.

Avionics Systems v0.94.0

02 Feb 17:41
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 2 February 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #243.
  • Not compatible with MechJeb 2.8.2. Issue #202.


  • MAS no longer adds custom waypoints for ground stations and radio navigation beacons. Issue #239.
  • fc.SetHeading(reference, heading, pitch, roll) is deprecated. It will be removed in a future update. Instead, please use fc.EngageAttitudePilot(reference, heading, pitch, roll).


  • The MAS Autopilot is now much better behaved. Issue #234.
  • fc.RollDockingAlignment() has been fixed. Issue #244.

New Features

  • fc.DeployableGearCount() reports the total number of deployable landing gear. Issue #233.
  • fc.ManeuverNodeTotalDV() reports the total delta V required for the next maneuver node. Issue #236.
  • fc.EngageAttitudePilot(reference, heading, pitch, roll) replaces fc.SetHeading(). fc.EngageAttitudePilot(reference) will point the vessel at the specified reference without locking roll. Issue #234.
  • More Science features.
  • fc.GroundStationCount() reports the number of ground stations on Kerbin. Functions in the CommNet category also report ground station latitude, longitude, and altitude.
  • nav.SetWaypointToGroundStation(dsnIndex) will set the waypoint navigation system to the selected ground station.
  • mechjeb.GetLandingSiteCount() reports the number of landing sites available to MechJeb. mechjeb.LandingSiteLatitude(siteIndex) reports the latitude of the selected MJ landing site. Longitude, Altitude, and Name are also available.
  • nav.SetWaypointToLandingSite(siteIndex) sets the waypoint navigation system to the selected MechJeb landing site.

Avionics Systems v0.93.2

26 Jan 16:22
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 26 January 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KCT appears to interfere with MAS functionality. Issue #221.
  • MAS Autopilot heading control has a tendency to overshoot. It needs tuning. Issue #234.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #243.


  • The MAS feature that adds optional custom waypoints for ground stations and radio navigation beacons will be removed in v0.94.0. If you have activated either of these features, you should deactivate them before installing v0.94.0. MAS v0.94.0 will include new functions to target ground stations or nav beacons without cluttering the custom waypoints database.
  • The official ASET documentation for Modular Push Buttons and Modular Toggle Switches has been added to this GitHub repo under the Documents directory. Thanks to alexustas for permission to include them here.


  • Missing first menu entry, and NREs with 0-sized menus, have been fixed. Issue #235.
  • Reference transform management has been fixed for 1.6.x. Issue #241.

New Features

  • fc.Select(condition, trueValue, falseValue) accepts numeric values for 'condition' as well as boolean values.
  • fc.BoolToNumber(condition) returns 1 if 'condition' is true, 0 otherwise. Issue #237.
  • fc.TargetAxialDistance(), fc.TargetAxialVelocity(), and fc.TargetAxialAngle() provide another representation of target-relative position. Issue #233.
  • fc.GetAirBrakeCount() returns the number of stock air brake modules installed on the craft. fc.GetAirBrakes(), fc.SetAirBrakes(active), and fc.ToggleAirBrakes() report on the state of the air brakes and control their deployment.
  • fc.FlightPathAngle(altitude) returns the angle between the horizon and the orbital vector at the provided altitude. Issue #233.
  • fc.ActiveDockingPortCameraIndex() returns the camera index of an active docking port camera, or -1 if there is no valid docking port camera.
  • More functions have been added to the Science Category. Issue #141.
  • More props, including the initial pages for a new integrated MFD system (it's not complete, but the Launch and Orbit pages are mostly done).

Avionics Systems v0.93.1

19 Jan 19:55
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 19 January 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KCT appears to interfere with MAS functionality. Issue #221.
  • KSP resets the reference transform when switching seats in IVA. Issue #241.

Attention IVA Makers

  • MAS_swRotary_GenericIntLight now controls every interior light in an IVA. It is no longer required to make custom switches for IVAs that use different light names, unless you want to have separate control over each light. Use MAS_swRotary_PointLight_IntLight to control only the "Point light" interior light transforms (which is the previous behavior of GenericIntLight).


  • The GROUND_TRACK monitor feature works again.
  • engine.SetEnginesEnabled(engineId, true) now works for engineId > 0. Issue #229.
  • fc.GForcesVertical() has been changed again. Maybe this time it's right. Issue #229.
  • fc.ClearManeuverNodes() no longer leaves maneuver node debris in Map View. Issue #230.

New Features

  • fc.CircularOrbitSpeed(altitude) returns the orbital speed in m/s to have a circular orbit at the specified altitude.
  • The Launch Site category provides information about the vessel's launch site.
  • lightName in INT_LIGHT is now optional. When omitted, the prop will control every interior light.
  • fc.AppendPersistentDigit(persistentName, digit, maxLength) allows a persistent to be treated as a numeric input.
  • fc.ToggleResource(resourceId) toggles the availability of resource containers holding a particular resource.
  • The SUB_PAGE MAS_PAGE node now supports nested SUB_PAGE entries.

Avionics Systems v0.93.0

13 Jan 16:00
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For KSP 1.6.0-1.6.1, 13 January 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.
  • KCT appears to interfere with MAS functionality. Issue #221.


  • fc.ReleaseLaunchClamps() and fc.GetLaunchClampCount() actually work now, courtesy @snakeru.
  • Trim control / management functions now work.
  • The ASET DSKY instrument is now fully implemented. Issue #222.
  • Fixed conflict between the MAS Mk1 lander can and the ASET Mk1 lander can. If the ASET version is installed, it will be enabled. To use the MAS version, the ASET version needs to be uninstalled. Issue #228.

New Features

  • fc.DeltaVStageMax() returns the maximum delta-V for the current stage, assuming current atmospheric conditions.
  • fc.MaxRatedThrustkN() returns the maximum thrust of all active engines, assuming a throttle limit of 100% and maximum ISP.
  • fc.CurrentRatedThrust() returns the current thrust of active engines as a percentage of maximum possible thrust.
  • The Engine Intakes category has been changed to support any intake types, not just Intake Air.
  • nav.SetWaypointToLaunchSite() sets the waypoint manager to point at the vessel's launch site (provided the launch site and vessel are in the same SoI).
  • New Circular Indicator props and 5-digit LED displays for the common stock resources (power, monoprop, LF, O).
  • Finer-grained gimbal control: fc.GetGimbalPitch() reports if any active, unlocked gimbals provide pitch control. fc.SetGimbalPitch(enable) can be used to enable or disable pitch control on active, unlocked gimbals. fc.ToggleGimbalPitch() can be used to toggle pitch control. Equivalent functions for Yaw and Roll were added.
  • More detailed gimbal deflection info: fc.GetGimbalDeflectionX() and fc.GetGimbalDeflectionY() report the average normalized deflection (in the range -1 to +1) of active, unlocked gimbals. Note that rotated engines may cancel each other out.
  • fc.ChangePowerDraw(rateChange) can be used to increase the amount of power the MASFlightComputer uses each second. fc.GetPowerDraw() returns the current power demand of the MASFlightComputer. This feature only works when requiresPower is true.
  • The MASFlightComputer can now be configured to draw power by setting a rate in the MASFlightComputer MODULE field. This value only applies when requiresPower is true.
  • fc.InitializePersistent(persistentName, value) can be used to set a persistent variable to a specific value if the persistent does not already exist. If the persistent exists, this function does nothing.
  • fc.CrewConscious(seatIdx) returns 1 if the selected crew member is conscious. It returns 0 if the Kerbal has blacked out due to g-forces. Issue #225.
  • A COLLIDER_EVENT will stop functioning if the current crew member is unconscious. Issue #225.
  • INT_LIGHT accepts a comma-delimited list of light names, allowing one prop to control multiple interior lights with different names.
  • Some initial Science category functions have been enabled.
  • More props.

Avionics Systems v0.92.1

05 Jan 18:41
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For KSP 1.6.0, 5 January 2019.

Same as v0.92.0, plus an MFD fix that was overlooked in the release.

Avionics Systems v0.92.0

05 Jan 18:08
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For KSP 1.6.0, 5 January 2019.

Known Issues

  • CAMERA nodes display artifacts when the Scatterer mod is installed.
  • Docking / undocking occasionally causes the MAS system to become unresponsive. Changing scenes or switching to an unloaded vessel will reset it.


  • The 'Moving' functions, such as fc.GearMoving(), now return -1, 0, or +1 so that they can indicate which direction the component in question is moving.


  • FAR support is re-enabled.

New Features

  • New MAS Mk1 Lander Can IVA based on the ASET Mk1 Lander Can, courtesy @snakeru. PR #218.
  • Mk1-3 IVA updated with a "CLEAR NODE" button to clear maneuver nodes, suggested @it0uchpods.
  • fc.CrewEva(double seatNumber) allows crew to be kicked out of the command pod ... or willingly go on EVA.
  • The Engine category now contains methods for controlling Air Intakes.
  • Launch clamps may now be triggered using fc.ReleaseLaunchClamps(). The number of launch clamps may be queried using fc.GetLaunchClampCount(). Issue #220.
  • There is now a three-state version of fc.Select().
  • fc.SetBits(persistentName, bits) and fc.ClearBits(persistentName, bits) treat the specified persistent variable as a 32 bit bitfield, allowing bits to be set and cleared.
  • The Math Category includes bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, negation).