This repository contains scripts to anonymise patient DICOM files using the open-source pydicom package
To anonymise a single dicom file and save the resulting dicom file, simply run the following command:
python -i /path/to/dicom/file -o /path/to/saved/dicom/file
By default, patient age, date of birth, and sex are retained, but patient name, address, hospital ID and hospital accession number are removed. This can be changed by passing additional boolean arguments to
e.g., python -i /path/to/dicom/file -o /path/to/saved/dicom/file --keep_age False
This repository is compatible with python 3.6. See requirements.txt for all prerequisites; you can also install them using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We will shortly update the repository to enable anonymisation of entire directories of dicom files e.g., from multiple patients/imaging series etc.