A BIDS App for the tedana workflow
fMRIPost-tedana post-processes multi-echo fMRI data that have been minimally preprocessed with fMRIPrep. In addition to the basic multi-echo independent components analysis (ME-ICA) performed by tedana, fMRIPost-tedana will leverage fMRIPrep derivatives, like extracted confounds and high-resolution tissue masks, to improve the multi-echo denoising performance.
- A BIDS data grabber to collect the first echo from each run.
- A BIDS data grabber to grab the other echoes, brain mask, echo times, and potentially confounds.
- Drop dummy volumes as requested.
- Run tedana.
- Limit to the brain mask.
- Extract echo times from metadata.
- Include fMRIPrep confounds as external regressors.
- Incorporate tissue type masks in decision tree?
- Supplement ME-ICA with other component classification algorithms.
- Reorganize tedana outputs into BIDS format.
- Denoise optimally combined data in target spaces.
- Generate figures summarizing the denoising results.
- Carpet plots of denoised data
- T2* map
- S0 map
- Component weight maps, time series, periodograms, and classifications
- Components-by-confound correlation heat map
- Generate nireports HTML report.