This package contains demonstration data for the NGCHM-R package. Loading the NGCHMDemoData package makes the data available in the R session.
This package can be installed from the MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics R-Universe repository.
install.packages("NGCHMDemoData", repos = c("", ""))
This data was obtained from the MBatch Omic Browser. In order to create a data set small enough for demonstration purposes the expression data was filtered to remove genes with low expression and variance, and only 200 randomly selected samples were used.
- TCGA.BRCA.ExpressionData MBatch Omic Browser information:
- Source: GDC
- Category: Gene Expression Quantification
- Platform: HTSeq - Counts
- Version: 2020_12_22_1000
- TCGA.BRCA.TP53MutationData MBatch Omic Browser information:
- Source: GDC
- Category: Masked Somatic Mutation
- Platform: SomaticSniper Variant Aggregation and Masking
- Version: 2020_12_22_1000