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Preliminary analysis on the extra data save files for Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition


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This repo contains preliminary analysis on the extra data save files for Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition

This document in an extremely early stage, so it doesn't make much sense yet

There is also an ImHex hexpat at



At the root are several files with the extension .txt. Despite the extension, these are not plain text files. Instead of using Unicode character 0x20 (space) they use the NULL byte 0x00, or character 0x01 depending on the game version.

  • clientId.txt is a 19-digit ASCII decimal number. The file padded to 128 KiB with null bytes.
  • options.txt and achievements.txt start with a 4-byte header (version of file) and text is spaced with NULL Chars.
  • minecraftWorlds/ is a directory that is described below.

The actual world files are stored inside the minecraftWorld directory. Each world is a subdirectory with a base64 name (for example, /minecraftWorlds/igAAAJ8dAgA=). The rest of this document will be describing the content inside the world folders, from now on /level.dat means /minecraftWorlds/<world>/level.dat


Each world has these files:

  • level.dat: a standard NBT file, can be parsed with some libraries such as NBTify, and can be edited with a GUI in Dovetail.
    • The file is saved with the uncompressed little-endian NBT variant, which coincides with that of Bedrock Edition's level.dat format.
    • The file is prefixed with an 8-byte header, which consists of two uint32 values (also in little-endian). The first one is the version of the save file, which matches the StorageVersion key in the NBT itself. The second value is a validation on the byte length of the NBT data itself, which is essentially the length of the whole file, subtract 8, for the header.
  • level.dat_old: a backup of level.dat. If level.dat become corrupted game reverts to previous SaveGame then.
  • db/
    • savemarker: 4-byte file
    • cdb/: Cubical Database. Chunk data
      • index.cdb: maps CDB files to the VDB files, acts as a backup for newindex.cdb
      • newindex.cdb: The main index, has backup (index.cdb), if becomes corrupted, reverts to previous SaveGame then.
      • slt0.cdb, slt1.cdb, ...: chunk data
    • vdb/: Variable Database. "Player Inv, Health, Stamina, Exp, and achievement progress along with Map Exploration and current positions" - Cracko298
      • index.vdb: maps VDB files to the CDB files, acts as a backup for newindex.vdb
      • newindex.vdb: The main index, has backup (index.cdb), if becomes corrupted, reverts to previous SaveGame then.
      • slt0.vdb, slt1.vdb, ...: data


Most information on the CDB and VDB files here is currently outdated. See minecraft3ds.h for the latest information. A better explaination will be written once the files are fully understood.

Both the CDB and VDB files are made of of several "subfiles", which each have their own header and are effectively seperate files.


Inside the db/cdb and db/vdb folders there are index files named newindex.cdb and newindex.vdb. These link data (such as chunks) to specific subfiles within the CDB or VDB files.
There are also index.cdb and index.vdb files, which are a backup of the new index files and don't seem to be used.


Each index has three parts:

  • Header

The header contains metadata about the entries and pointers:

struct Index {
    uint32 constant0; // always 0x2
    uint32 entryCount;
    uint32 unknown0;
    uint32 entrySize;
    uint32 pointerCount;
    uint32 constant1;
  • Pointers

This part is unknown, it contains several 32-bit integers that sometimes correspond to the slt###.cdb files.

  • Entries

The entries map region coordinates and some other metadata to the subfiles within the CDB files:

struct ChunkParameters {
    int8 unknown0;
    int8 unknown1;
struct CDBEntry {
    Position position;
    uint16 slot; // slot (corresponds to a CDB file), unless it's <16?
    uint16 subfile; // subfile within the slot
    uint16 constant0; // always 0x20FF
    uint16 constant1; // always 0xA
    ChunkParameters parameters; // also in the chunk; usually 0x1, sometimes 0x2 or 0x3, and on large worlds as high as 0x6e
    uint16 constant2; // always 0x8000, subfile count?

CDB file format


Each subfile contains compressed block data for the chunk

VDB file format

There are 4 types of .vdb files. One of the types is based on NBT. Other two are unknown.

How the data is stored in the file itself is unique to this database format, however the save data is for the most part related to similar values used in Bedrock Edition's save format.

NBT is saved in uncompressed little-endian, and (as of yet) it doesn't seem to be using VarInt-encoded NBT, which is also synonymous with Bedrock Edition, which only uses VarInt encoding for NBT sent in network packets. I thought I'd only mention this extra part just in case we encounter 'malformed NBT', and we don't know why it isn't working.


The level.dat file has different formats depending on the version. We have only looked at 0.1.0 and 1.9.19 formats.

0.1.0 vs. 1.9.19 format:

// The types here are represented with NBTify's TypeScript typings for NBT tags.
// `BooleanTag` is just an alias to a `ByteTag<0 | 1>` value.

// This is the 0.1.0 format:

interface Level {
  DayCycleStopTime: IntTag;
  Difficulty: IntTag;
  ForceGameType: BooleanTag;
  GameType: IntTag;
  Generator: IntTag;
  LastPlayed: LongTag;
  LevelName: StringTag;
  LevelSize: IntTag;
  LimitedWorldOriginX: IntTag;
  LimitedWorldOriginY: IntTag;
  LimitedWorldOriginZ: IntTag;
  NetworkVersion: IntTag;
  PackID: IntTag;
  Platform: IntTag;
  RandomSeed: LongTag;
  SpawnX: IntTag;
  SpawnY: IntTag;
  SpawnZ: IntTag;
  StorageVersion: IntTag;
  Time: LongTag;
  currentTick: LongTag;
  eduLevel: BooleanTag;
  globalPermissions: IntTag;
  hasBeenLoadedInCreative: BooleanTag;
  lightningLevel: FloatTag;
  lightningTime: IntTag;
  rainLevel: FloatTag;
  rainTime: IntTag;
  spawnMobs: BooleanTag;
  worldStartCount: LongTag;

// This is the 1.9.19 format:

interface Level {
  DayCycleStopTime: IntTag;
  Difficulty: IntTag;
  ForceGameType: BooleanTag;
  ForcedMansionX: IntTag;
  ForcedMansionZ: IntTag;
  GameType: IntTag;
  Generator: IntTag;
  LANBroadcast: BooleanTag;
  LastPlayed: LongTag;
  LevelName: StringTag;
  LevelSize: IntTag;
  LimitedWorldOriginX: IntTag;
  LimitedWorldOriginY: IntTag;
  LimitedWorldOriginZ: IntTag;
  MultiplayerGame: BooleanTag;
  NetworkVersion: IntTag;
  PackID: IntTag;
  Platform: IntTag;
  RandomSeed: LongTag;
  SpawnRotX: FloatTag;
  SpawnRotY: FloatTag;
  SpawnX: IntTag;
  SpawnY: IntTag;
  SpawnZ: IntTag;
  StorageVersion: IntTag;
  StructuresForceGenerated: BooleanTag;
  StructuresForceGeneratedAttempted: BooleanTag;
  Time: LongTag;
  XBLBroadcast: BooleanTag;
  achievementsDisabled: BooleanTag;
  commandblockoutput: BooleanTag;
  commandsEnabled: BooleanTag;
  currentTick: LongTag;
  dodaylightcycle: BooleanTag;
  doentitydrops: BooleanTag;
  dofiretick: BooleanTag;
  domobloot: BooleanTag;
  domobspawning: BooleanTag;
  dotiledrops: BooleanTag;
  doweathercycle: BooleanTag;
  drowningdamage: BooleanTag;
  eduLevel: BooleanTag;
  falldamage: BooleanTag;
  firedamage: BooleanTag;
  fixedInventory: {
    // `Item` is likely a Compound tag in the shape of an NBT inventory item.
    fixedInventoryItems: Item[];
  hasBeenLoadedInCreative: BooleanTag;
  immutableWorld: BooleanTag;
  keepinventory: BooleanTag;
  lastOpenedWithVersion: [IntTag, IntTag, IntTag, IntTag];
  lightningLevel: FloatTag;
  lightningTime: IntTag;
  mobgriefing: BooleanTag;
  pvp: BooleanTag;
  rainLevel: FloatTag;
  rainTime: IntTag;
  sendcommandfeedback: BooleanTag;
  spawnMobs: BooleanTag;
  texturePacksRequired: BooleanTag;
  worldStartCount: LongTag;


Preliminary analysis on the extra data save files for Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition




