WIP pipeline for completing the BioNLP 2019 bacterial biotope NER/norm task
The BioNLP bacterial biotope shared task is to extract bacterial organisms, habitats, and medical phenotypes from Pubmed articles and link them by association.
The Shared Task description is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G0po_xlRjQCZ-qxuA_4PLdipXU6rtYTp/view
The first part of the shared task is Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Normalization.
The goal of this step is to correctly identify and classify words or multi-word phrases in biomedical texts that correspond to the entities of interest in this task: bacterial species, bacterial habitats, medical phenotypes, and geographical locations.
The rough steps to accomplish this are:
- Generate lists of the entities of interest from NCBI (bacteria) and the provided .obo resource (habitats, phenotypes).
- Annotate these entities in biomedical texts.
- Train a model on the annotated texts to recognize new entities used in similar contexts to those in the original lists (NER).
- Create general rules to flexibly link clusters of synonymous entities to a single identity (normalization).
-generate_bacteria_taxid_dict.py (bacteria)
-extract_obo_category_nodes.py (habitat, phenotype) \
A separate effort to fine-tune and test domain-specific BERT models (Biobert, NCBI_Bluebert) on the training data provided by BioNLP. These are Colab notebooks to make use of the free GPUs.