MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents
- Installation
- Create DataBase
- Drop DataBase
- Create Collection
- Insert documents to collection
- Find documents of collection
- Update documents
- Replace documents
- Delete documents
- Counts of document
- Sorting Document
- Pagination Limit and Skip commands
- $inc $set $rename $unset
- $gt $lt $gte $lte
- BulkWrite
- Search and Indexing in MongoDB
- Backup and Restore Database
Download mongodb from here :
>>> show dbs # show all databases
>>> use db_name # create and switch to db
>>> db.db_name.insert({"name": "mohammad"})
>>> use db_name
>>> db.dropDatabase()
resutl : { "dropped" : "db_name", "ok" : 1 }
>>> db.copyDatabase("old db name","new db name") # rename database
Collection in mongoDB == Table in relational database : Mongo uses collections instead of tables for store data
Document in mongoDB == Record in relational database : The collection includes documents
>>> db.createCollection("coll_name")
>>> show collections
>>> db.coll_name.renameCollection("new_coll_name")
>>> db.coll_name.drop()
>>> use University
>>> db.createCollection("Students")
>>> db.Student.insertOne({"student_id":1, "name":"Mohammad Taghizadeh", "field":"comuter", "entry_date":1395})
>>> db.Student.insert([
{"student_id":1, "name":"Mohammad Taghizadeh", "field":"comuter", "entry_date":1395},
{"student_id":2, "name":"Ali", "field":"art", "entry_date":1399},
{"student_id":3, "name":"Reza", "field":"comuter", "entry_date":1390},
>>> db.Student.findOne({"name":"Mohammad"})
>>> db.Student.find() # find all of docs
>>> db.Student.find().pretty()
>>> db.Student.find({"name":"Mohammad"}).pretty()
>>> db.Student.update({"_id" : ObjectId("5fe490ad2b7f96f9a5f8249b")},
$set: {
"name": "Ahmad"
>>> db.Student.update({"name" : "Mohammad")}, {
$set: {"name": "Ahmad"}
>>> db.Student.updateMany({name : "Mohammad")}, {
$set: {"create_date": Date()}
>>> db.Student.updateMany({}, {
$set: {"create_time": Date()}
>>> db.Student.replaceOne({name: "Mohammad Taghizadeh"}, {fullname: "MTaghizadeh", age: 23})
>>> db.Student.deleteOne({name: "Mohammad"})
>>> db.Student.deleteMany({name: "Mohammad"})
>>> db.Student.find().count()
>>> db.Student.find({name: "Mohamamd"}).count()
>>> db.Student.find().sort({student_id: 1}).pretty() # 1 : acs
>>> db.Student.find().sort({student_id: -1}).pretty() # 2 : desc
>>> db.Student.find({field: "computer"}).sort({student_id: -1}).pretty() # 2 : desc
>>> db.Posts.find().sort({create_date: -1}).limit(3).pretty() # limit
>>> db.Posts.find().sort({create_date: -1}).skip(3).limit(3).pretty() # skip
>>> db.Posts.find().sort({create_date: -1}).skip(6).limit(3).pretty() # skip
>>> db.Posts.find().sort({create_date: -1}).skip(paginated_by * (page -1)).limit(paginated_by).pretty() # (for example: paginated_by : 9)
>>> db.Posts.updateOne({title: "post1"}, {$inc: {likes: 1}}) # rather than get value and update database (2 connection), $inc: (1 connection)
>>> db.Posts.updateOne({title: "post1"}, {$inc: {likes: -1}}) # rather than get value and update database (2 connection), $inc: (1 connection)
>>> db.Posts.updateMany({}, {$set: {views: 0}}) # $set
>>> db.Posts.updateMany({}, {$rename: {views: "dislikes"}}) # $rename
>>> db.Posts.updateMany({}, {$unset: {views: ""}}) # $remove or $unset
>>> db.products.find({price: {$gt: 1000}}).pretty() # greater than
>>> db.products.find({price: {$lt: 1000}}).pretty() # less than
>>> db.products.find({price: {$gte: 1000}}).pretty() # greater than equal
>>> db.products.find({price: {$lte: 1000}}).pretty() # less than equal
>>> db.products.bulkWrite(
insertOne: {
'document': {
title: "Phone",
price: 1000,
likes: 0
insertOne: {
'document': {
title: "Laptop",
price: 890,
likes: 0
updateMany: {
filter: {
likes: {
$gte: 100
update: {
$set: {
popular: true
delteOne: {
filter: {
title: "Phone"
# 1) create index on field
>>> db.products.createIndex({title: "text"})
# 2) search
>>> db.products.find({$text: {$search: "Phone"}}).pretty()
>>> mongodump --db db_name
>>> mongorestore --db db_name <db_address>