Implementation Search Engine with LTC-LNC algorithm and Cosine Similarity developed with Python and Flask framework
Author: M-Taghizadeh
- Step1: Tokenize query terms and remove extera space and strip query
query_terms = tokenizer(query)
def tokenizer(input_str:str):
split_list = input_str.split(" ")
tokens_list = []
for token in split_list:
if len(list(token)) > 1:
return tokens_list
- Step2: Read all docs and save all doc title in documents variable
documents = [f for f in os.listdir(docs_path) if f.endswith('.txt')]
- Step3: Load Postings List from database
with open(f'{postings_path}/POSTINGS_LIST.dat', "rb") as f:
POSTINGS_LIST = pickle.load(f)
print("we have an error for loading POSTINGS_LIST!!!")
Step4: Create Postings list for query terms and calculate N: number of documents and create set of query terms
Index_Table = {} N = len(documents) Index_Table["N"] = N set_of_query_term = []
- Step4-A: Calculate [tf] for query term in [Query]
for term in query_terms: if Index_Table.get(term): Index_Table[term]["query"]["tf"] += 1 else: Index_Table[term] = {} Index_Table[term]["query"] = {} Index_Table[term]["query"]["tf"] = 1 set_of_query_term.append(term)
- Step4-B: Calculate [tf] for query term in [all Documents] from POSTINGS_LIST
for term in query_terms: Index_Table[term]["document"] = {} for doc_title in documents: Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title] = {} try: Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["tf"] = POSTINGS_LIST[term][doc_title] except: Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["tf"] = 0
- Step4-C: Calculate [tf_wt] for query term in [Query and all Documents]
for term in query_terms: tf_query = Index_Table[term]["query"]["tf"] Index_Table[term]["query"]["tf_wt"] = 1 + math.log10(tf_query) try: for doc_title in Index_Table.get(term).get("document"): tf_document = Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["tf"] if tf_document == 0: Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["tf_wt"] = 0 else: Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["tf_wt"] = 1 + math.log10(tf_document) except: print("error")
- Step4-D: Calculate [df, idf, wt] for query term in [Query] => idf = log10(N/df), wt = tf_wt * idf
for term in query_terms: if POSTINGS_LIST.get(term): df = len(POSTINGS_LIST[term]) else: df = 0 Index_Table[term]["query"]["df"] = df if df == 0: Index_Table[term]["query"]["idf"] = 0 else: Index_Table[term]["query"]["idf"] = math.log10(N/df) Index_Table[term]["query"]["wt"] = Index_Table[term]["query"]["tf_wt"] * Index_Table[term]["query"]["idf"]
- Step4-E: Calculate [wt] for query term in [all Documents] => idf = 1, wt = tf_wt * idf(==1)
for term in query_terms: for doc_title in documents: Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["wt"] = Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["tf_wt"]
- End of Calculate Index_Table
print("------------------------------") print("Index_Table: ", Index_Table) print("------------------------------")
Step5: Normalization of Query and goto vector space for [wt]:
- Step5-A: calculate sum of wt for Query
query_vector_normal = [] sum = 0 for term in set_of_query_term: sum += math.pow(Index_Table[term]["query"]["wt"], 2) sum = math.sqrt(sum) print("sum of wt for Query: ", sum)
- Step5-B: calculate query_vector_normal with sum of wt
for term in set_of_query_term: wt = Index_Table[term]["query"]["wt"] if sum != 0: query_vector_normal.append(wt / sum) else: query_vector_normal.append(0) print("\n\nquery_vector_normal: ", query_vector_normal, "\n\n")
Step6: Normalization of all Documents and goto vector space for [wt] and save that in docs_vector_normal(as a dict)
docs_vector_normal = {}
for doc_title in documents:
docs_vector_normal[doc_title] = []
# Step6-A: calculate sum of wt for any Document
sum = 0
for term in set_of_query_term:
sum += math.pow(Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["wt"], 2)
sum = math.sqrt(sum)
print("sum_wt: ", sum, " doc title: ", doc_title)
# Step6-B: calculate docs_vector_normal[doc_title] with sum of wt for any document
for term in set_of_query_term:
wt = Index_Table[term]["document"][doc_title]["wt"]
if sum != 0:
docs_vector_normal[doc_title].append(wt / sum)
print("\n\ndocs_vector_normal: ", docs_vector_normal, "\n\n")
Step7: Cosine Similarity => Score list
- Spte7-A: Dot Product between Query vector normal and any Documents vector normal and save that in Score list[]
Scores_list = [] for doc_title in docs_vector_normal: doc_vector = docs_vector_normal[doc_title] score = 0 for i in range(0, len(doc_vector)): score += doc_vector[i] * query_vector_normal[i] Scores_list.append([doc_title, score]) print("Scores_list: ", Scores_list)
Step8: Sorting Scores_list and get top k doc (get rankings)
min = 0
for i in range(0, len(Scores_list)):
for j in range(0, len(Scores_list)-i-1):
if Scores_list[j][1] < Scores_list[j+1][1]:
tmp_Scores_list = Scores_list[j]
Scores_list[j] = Scores_list[j+1]
Scores_list[j+1] = tmp_Scores_list
print("\n\nSorted Scores_list: ", Scores_list, "\n\n")
- Step9: get top k record from Sorted Score List (At the moment, we only return files that have a high score of zero)
k = N # we suppose that k == number of docs
TOP_k_docs = []
for doc in Scores_list:
if doc[1] != 0: # doc[1] is score of this doc
if(len(TOP_k_docs) == k):
return TOP_k_docs
Search Engine Index Page Screen
Add or Edit Documents
Search Results Sorted with Score
Creating Posting list according to user query in each time
Posting list structure
Creating normal vector for query and all of documents for calculating Cosine Similarity
Endpoint | Methods | Rule |
add_doc | GET, POST | /add_document/ |
delete_doc | GET | /delete_document/string:doc_title/ |
edit_doc | GET | /edit_document/string:doc_title/ |
index | GET | / |
static | GET | /static/path:filename |
- flask => webframework
- python-dotenv => for reading .env files