Live demo here.
- Exclusive is an e-commerce web application designed to offer users a seamless shopping experience.
- The application aims to provide essential e-commerce functionalities such as user authentication, product search, cart, and wishlist management.
- The project was undertaken to explore the integration of modern web technologies and third-party services like Stripe and Auth0 for creating a robust e-commerce solution.
- React JS
- TailwindCSS
- Typescript
- Node JS
- Express JS
- MongoDB
- Stripe
- Auth0
List of ready features:
- Authentication with auth0
- Search functionality
- Cart and Wishlist functionality
- Stripe test API integration
To use the application, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the live site.
- Log in using the test email and password:
- Email:
[email protected]
- Password:
- Email:
- Browse products, add items to your cart or wishlist.
- When checking out, use the following test card information:
- Card number:
4242 4242 4242 4242
- Card expiration date: any future date
- Card CVC: any three-digit number
- Card number:
Areas for improvement:
- Search functionality
- Product details page
To do:
- Implement user profile management
- Implement async autocomplete search, for a better user experience and better efficiency and robustness
- Disable add to cart functionality in product details page when user is not authenticated.