Android Control, Screenshot, Package, File, Process Managers based on adb commands
- Key: Up/Down/Left/Right, OK, Menu, Home, Back, Vol+, Vol-
- Screen: Screen On/Off
- Text: send text
- System: reboot
- ScreenShot: auto and manual resolution
- Tap: emulate finger tap on screen by mouse clicking
- Swipe: emulate finger swipe on screen by mouse right-clicking line
- Multi-Swipe: multi-lines pattern swipe
- File Manager: file import, export and management
- Package Manager: install uninstall packages, start and force-stop activity
- Process Manager: checkout processes
- Input Devices: touchscreen etc.
- Interrupt: system interrupts analyzing
- Log: kernel log, android logcat
OS: Windows 7 64bit
IDE: Visual Studio 2010
Adb Version: 1.0.39