Automations extension for zigbee2mqtt (
- Support multiple event based triggers;
- Support time automations (execution at specified time);
- Support suncalc automations like sunset, sunrise and others at a specified location and altitude;
- Provides comprehensive logging within the zigbee2mqtt logging system for triggers, conditions and actions;
- Performs thorough validation of the automation configuration file for errors (errors are logged at loading time and the erroneous automation is discarded);
- Error messages and execution notifications can be displayed as pop-up messages in frontend.
- User can filter automation events in the frontend by entering [Automations] in the 'Filter by text' field.
If you like this project and find it useful, please consider giving it a star on GitHub at and sponsoring it.
An automation typically consists of one or more triggers and executes one or more actions. Optionally, it can also include one or more conditions. Any trigger can start the automation while conditions must all be true for the automation to run.
Create an automations.yaml file in the zigbee2mqtt\data directory (alongside configuration.yaml) and write your first automation (copy from the examples). Don't modify configuration.yaml.
Method 1 Download the file dist\automation.js and place it in the zigbee2mqtt\data\extension directory (create the directory if it doesn't exist). Stop zigbee2mqtt, ensure it has completely stoppped, and then start it again. This method ensures all extensions are loaded.
Method 2 In frontend go to Extensions add an extension. Name it automation.js and confirm. In the editor delete the default extension content and copy paste the entire content of automation.js. Save it.
In frontend go to Extensions. Select automation.js and save. The extension is reloaded and the automations.yaml is reloaded too.
<Your name for automation>:
active?: ## Values: true or false Default: true (true: the automation is active)
execute_once?: ## Values: true or false Default: false (true: the automatione is executed only once)
---------------------- time trigger ------------------------------
time: ## Values: time string hh:mm:ss or any suncalc sunrise, sunset ...
latitude?: ## Numeric latitude (mandatory for suncalc triggers) Use to get latidute and longitude based on your adress
longitude?: ## Numeric longitude (mandatory for suncalc triggers) Use to get latidute and longitude based on your adress
elevation?: ## Numeric elevation in meters for precise suncalc results Default: 0
---------------------- event trigger ------------------------------
entity: ## Name of the entity (device or group friendly name) to evaluate
for?: ## Number: duration in seconds for the specific attribute to remain in the triggered state
state: ## Values: ON OFF
attribute: ## Name of the attribute to evaluate (example: state, brightness, illuminance_lux, occupancy)
equal?: ## Value of the attribute to evaluate with =
not_equal?: ## Value of the attribute to evaluate with !=
above?: ## Numeric value of the attribute to evaluate with >
below?: ## Numeric value of the attribute to evaluate with <
action: ## Value of the action to evaluate e.g. single, double, hold ...
---------------------- event condition ------------------------------
entity: ## Name of the entity (device or group friendly name) to evaluate
state?: ## Values: ON OFF
attribute?: ## Name of the attribute (example: state, brightness, illuminance_lux, occupancy)
equal?: ## Value of the attribute to evaluate with =
above?: ## Numeric value of attribute to evaluate with >
below?: ## Numeric value of attribute to evaluate with <
---------------------- time condition ------------------------------
after?: ## Time string hh:mm:ss
before?: ## Time string hh:mm:ss
between?: ## Time range string hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss
weekday?: ## Day string or array of day strings: 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'
entity: ## Name of the entity (device or group friendly name) to send the payload to
payload: ## Values: turn_on, turn_off, toggle or any supported attributes in an object or indented on the next rows
(example: { state: OFF, brightness: 254, color: { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0 } })
logger?: ## Values: debug info warn error. Default: debug. The action will be logged on z2m logger with the specified logging level
turn_off_after?: ## Number: seconds to wait before turning off entity. Will send a turn_off to the entity.
Turn off at 23:
time: 23:00:00
The automation is run at the specified time
time: sunset
latitude: 48.858372
longitude: 2.294481
elevation: 330
The automation is run at sunset time at the coordinates and elevation specified
Contact sensor OPENED:
entity: Contact sensor
attribute: contact
equal: false
The automation is run when contact change to false (the contact is opened) for the device Contact sensor
after: 08:30:00
before: 22:30:00
weekday: ['mon', 'tue', 'fri']
The automation is run only on monday, tuesday and friday and only after 08:30 and before 22:30
between: 08:00:00-20:00:00
The automation is run only between 08:00 and 20:00
between: 20:00:00-08:00:00
The automation is run only after 20:00 and before 08:00
entity: At home
state: ON
The automation is run only if 'At home' is ON
entity: Light sensor
attribute: illuminance_lux
below: 100
The automation is run only if the illuminance_lux attribute of 'Light sensor' is below 100.
- entity: At home
state: ON
- entity: Is night
state: OFF
The automation is run only if 'At home' is ON and 'Is night' is OFF. For multiple entity conditions entity must be indented
- after: 08:00:00
- before: 22:30:00
- weekday: ['mon', 'tue', 'thu', 'fri']
- entity: Is night
state: ON
- entity: Is dark
state: ON
For multiple conditions after, before, weekday and entity must be indented
- entity: Miboxer RGB led controller
payload: { brightness: 255, color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }, transition: 5 }
- entity: Moes RGB CCT led controller
payload: { brightness: 255, color_temp: 500, transition: 10 }
- entity: Aqara switch T1
payload: turn_on
turn_off_after: 10
- entity: Moes switch double
payload: { state_l1: ON }
Payload can be a string (turn_on, turn_off and toggle or an object)
- entity: Moes switch double
state_l1: ON
Instead of specify an object it's possible to indent each attribute
time: sunrise
latitude: 48.858372
longitude: 2.294481
elevation: 330
- entity: Moes RGB CCT led controller
payload: { state: OFF }
- entity: Is night
payload: { state: OFF }
time: sunset
latitude: 48.858372
longitude: 2.294481
elevation: 330
- entity: Moes RGB CCT led controller
payload: { state: ON }
- entity: Is night
payload: { state: ON }
If there was a zigbee2mqtt installation in the top of the Eiffel Tower this would be the perfect automation.
Light sensor below 50lux for 60s:
entity: Light sensor
attribute: illuminance_lux
below: 50
for: 60
entity: Is dark
payload: turn_on
Light sensor above 60lux for 60s:
entity: Light sensor
attribute: illuminance_lux
above: 60
for: 60
entity: Is dark
payload: turn_off
These automations turn on and off the group 'Is dark' based on the light mesured by a common light sensor for 60 secs (so there is not false reading)
Contact sensor OPENED:
entity: Contact sensor
attribute: contact
equal: false
entity: At home
state: ON
entity: Aqara switch T1
logger: info
payload: turn_on
Contact sensor CLOSED:
entity: Contact sensor
attribute: contact
state: true
for: 5
entity: Aqara switch T1
logger: info
state: OFF
These automations turn on and off the device 'Aqara switch T1'
Motion in the hallway:
active: true
entity: Hallway motion sensor
attribute: occupancy
equal: true
entity: Hallway light
payload: turn_on
turn_off_after: 60
logger: info
Turn on the light for 60 secs after occupancy is detected by 'Motion sensor'
If you like the extension and want to sponsor it:
Sun calculations are derived entirely from suncalc package This extension was originally forked from