Release 1.2.6
Stable release with @project-chip/matter-node.js 0.8.0
[1.2.6] - 2024-04-11
- [matterbridge]: Added -factoryreset parameter to factory reset Matterbridge (see the for more explanations).
- [matterbridge]: Added -reset parameter to reset the commissioning of Matterbridge (bridge mode).
- [matterbridge]: Added -reset [plugin] parameter to reset the commissioning of a plugin (childbridge mode).
- [matterbridge]: Added -port [port] parameter to set the starting port for the commissioning servers (both bridge and childbridge modes).
- [matterbridge.service]: Updated matterbridge.service instructions that fix network start issue with systemctl on Linux.
- [frontend]: Added sudo to the spawned command to execute update and install from frontend (for Linux this may be necessary).
- [childbridge mode]: Fixed a syncronize issue on the start.