Release 1.3.0
[1.3.0] - 2024-06-16
This release is all about Matter 1.3
If you are wondering whether the controllers already support Matter 1.3, the answer is unfortunately no.
Only Home Automation supports:
- airQualitySensor (Matter 1.2)
and (probably only like BooleanState cluster)
- waterFreezeDetector (Matter 1.3)
- waterLeakDetector (Matter 1.3)
- rainSensor (Matter 1.3)
- [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
- [matterbridge]: Default config and schema for the new plugin matterbridge-shelly (will be published after this release)
- [matterbridgeDevice]: Added waterFreezeDetector, waterLeakDetector, rainSensor, smokeCoAlarm, electricalSensor and deviceEnergyManagement device types as conformance to Matter 1.3
- [matterbridgeDevice]: Added all clusters needed for the above Matter 1.3 device types
- [matterbridgeDevice]: Added FanControl cluster (rev. 2) helper methods for the Fan device type
- [matterbridge]: Added parameter -matterlogger [debug | info | notice | warn | error | fatal] to set the matter.js Logger separately from the Matterbridge log
- [frontend]: Added logger level settings to reflect -matterlogger [debug | info | notice | warn | error | fatal]