This program displays the RGB color ratio in 4 different windows in 4 different ways in the Processing GUI to show the viewer how the overall color is effected when each RGB value fluctuates over time according to sine waves.
Window 1: displays overall color that fluxuates with time
Window 2: displays RGB bar chart that fluxuates with time
Window 3: displays overall color with time plotted over horizontal axis
Window 4: displays each RGB value plotted over horizontal axis
The purpose of this program was just out of curiousity to see if a rainbow would be created from the the overall color when its RGB values each fluctuated like a sine wave over time but were offset from each other (aka out of phase). The answer is yes. After the rainbow was made, fluctuating the RGB ratios in other ways was experimented with to see what other color patterns could be made.
This program was written in Processing version 2.2.1 (based on Java) which can be downloaded here: