A simple social network where users can register, login, find friends, write on each others wall and chat with each other. This project was built within two weeks as my first React Project during my enrollment at the Spiced Academy Bootcamp. So far, the project consists of some basic features.
I created this project to get to know React. To learn all sights of React the project contains diffrent sigths of React like Class Components as well as Function Components, Hooks, React Params as well as Redux for global state management. One Part I was very happy to learn and had a lot of fun with was socket.IO.
This Project was built on the PERN Stack. I used React/Redux, Node.js/Express and PostgreSQL. Other Libraries I used:
- Bcrypt
- socket.IO
- cookie session
- moment
- aws, ses and s3
- Registration, login and logout is possible as part of the functionality
- User security is provided by utilizing bcrypt to protect users password
- Users are able to add and search for friends
- Users are able to post on their own and their friends Wall
- Users are able to Chat with all members of the platform
- style, refactor add Jest testing