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Mike-Leo-Smith committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 01aafce commit f826bbd
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Showing 2 changed files with 251 additions and 179 deletions.
200 changes: 21 additions & 179 deletions src/textures/bump2normal.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -12,217 +12,59 @@ namespace luisa::render {

using namespace luisa::compute;

* # bump_image = np.power(
# cv.imread(material_bump, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) / 255, 2.2
# )
# h, w = bump_image.shape[:2]
# scale = 4
# bump_image = cv.resize(bump_image, (w * scale, h * scale), interpolation=cv.INTER_LANCZOS4)
# bump_image = cv.GaussianBlur(bump_image, (5, 5), 0)
# dx_image = cv.copyMakeBorder(bump_image, 0, 0, 1, 1, cv.BORDER_REPLICATE)
# dy_image = cv.copyMakeBorder(bump_image, 1, 1, 0, 0, cv.BORDER_REPLICATE)
# strength = min(w, h) / 50 * scale
# dx_image = np.clip(strength * (dx_image[:, 2:] - dx_image[:, :-2]), -5, 5)
# dy_image = np.clip(-strength * (dy_image[2:, :] - dy_image[:-2, :]), -5, 5)
# dx_image = cv.resize(dx_image, (w, h), interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)
# dy_image = cv.resize(dy_image, (w, h), interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)
# dz_image = np.ones_like(dx_image)
# norm = np.sqrt(dx_image**2 + dy_image**2 + dz_image**2)
# normal_image = np.dstack([dz_image, dy_image, dx_image])
# normal_image = (normal_image / norm[:, :, np.newaxis]) * 0.5 + 0.5
# # normal_image = cv.GaussianBlur(normal_image, (3, 3), 0)
# # normal_image = cv.resize(normal_image, (w, h), interpolation=cv.INTER_CUBIC)
# normal_image = np.uint8(np.clip(normal_image * 255, 0, 255))
# save_name = f"lr_exported_textures/{material_bump.split('/')[-1]}"
# cv.imwrite(save_name, normal_image)

inline auto builtin_gaussian_filter_desc(uint kernel_size) noexcept {
static const auto nodes = [] {
auto make_desc = [](uint kernel_size) noexcept {
auto desc = luisa::make_shared<SceneNodeDesc>(
luisa::format("__bump2normal_texture_builtin_gaussian{}x{}", kernel_size, kernel_size),
desc->define(SceneNodeTag::FILTER, "Gaussian", {});
auto radius = (kernel_size + 1u) / 2.f;
auto sigma = radius / 3.f;
desc->add_property("radius", radius);
desc->add_property("sigma", sigma);
return eastl::make_pair(std::move(kernel_size), std::move(desc));
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
return luisa::fixed_map<uint, luisa::shared_ptr<SceneNodeDesc>, 2>{
auto iter = nodes.find(kernel_size);
return iter == nodes.cend() ? nullptr : iter->second.get();

class Bump2NormalTexture final : public Texture {

Texture *_bump_texture;
Filter *_gaussian5x5, *_gaussian3x3;// TODO
float _scale{1.f};

Bump2NormalTexture(Scene *scene, const SceneNodeDesc *desc) noexcept
: Texture{scene, desc} {
_scale = desc->property_float_or_default("scale", 1.f);

_bump_texture = scene->load_texture(desc->property_node("bump"));
: Texture{scene, desc},
_bump_texture{scene->load_texture(desc->property_node("bump"))} {
if (_bump_texture->channels() != 1u) {
LUISA_WARNING_WITH_LOCATION("Bump image {} should only have 1 channel. {} found.",
LUISA_ASSERT(all(_bump_texture->resolution() >= 3u),
"Bump image {} resolution conflicts with the algorithm.",

_gaussian5x5 = scene->load_filter(builtin_gaussian_filter_desc(5));
_gaussian3x3 = scene->load_filter(builtin_gaussian_filter_desc(3));
// [[nodiscard]] auto bump_texture() const noexcept { return _bump_texture; }
[[nodiscard]] bool is_black() const noexcept override { return false; }
[[nodiscard]] bool is_constant() const noexcept override { return false; }
[[nodiscard]] luisa::string_view impl_type() const noexcept override { return LUISA_RENDER_PLUGIN_NAME; }
[[nodiscard]] uint channels() const noexcept override { return 3u; }
[[nodiscard]] uint2 resolution() const noexcept override {
return _bump_texture->resolution();
[[nodiscard]] uint2 resolution() const noexcept override { return _bump_texture->resolution(); }
[[nodiscard]] luisa::unique_ptr<Instance> build(
Pipeline &pipeline, CommandBuffer &command_buffer) const noexcept override;

class Bump2NormalTextureInstance final : public Texture::Instance {

uint _normal_texture_id;
const Texture::Instance *_bump;

Bump2NormalTextureInstance(Pipeline &pipeline,
const Texture *texture,
uint normal_texture_id) noexcept
: Texture::Instance{pipeline, texture},
_normal_texture_id{normal_texture_id} {}
[[nodiscard]] Float4 evaluate(
const Interaction &it, Expr<float> time) const noexcept override {
auto v = pipeline().tex2d(_normal_texture_id).sample(it.uv());
return v;
const Texture *node,
const Texture::Instance *bump) noexcept
: Texture::Instance{pipeline, node}, _bump{bump} {}
[[nodiscard]] Float4 evaluate(const Interaction &it, Expr<float> time) const noexcept override {
auto n = def(make_float3(0.f));
$outline {
auto size = static_cast<float>(std::max(node()->resolution().x, node()->resolution().y));
auto step = std::min(1.f / size, 1.f / 256.f);
auto dx = _bump->evaluate(Interaction{it.uv() + make_float2(step, 0.f)}, time).x -
_bump->evaluate(Interaction{it.uv() - make_float2(step, 0.f)}, time).x;
auto dy = _bump->evaluate(Interaction{it.uv() + make_float2(0.f, step)}, time).x -
_bump->evaluate(Interaction{it.uv() - make_float2(0.f, step)}, time).x;
n = normalize(make_float3(dx / (2.f * step), dy / (2.f * step), 1.f));
return make_float4(n * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.f);

luisa::unique_ptr<Texture::Instance> Bump2NormalTexture::build(
Pipeline &pipeline, CommandBuffer &command_buffer) const noexcept {

Clock clk;

auto bump_texture = pipeline.build_texture(command_buffer, _bump_texture);
auto resolution = bump_texture->node()->resolution();
auto resolution_scaled = make_uint2(resolution.x * _scale, resolution.y * _scale);
auto strength = std::min(resolution.x, resolution.y) * _scale;

auto bump_scaled = pipeline.create<Image<float>>(PixelStorage::FLOAT1, resolution_scaled, 1u);
auto gaussian_blurred = pipeline.create<Image<float>>(PixelStorage::FLOAT1, resolution_scaled, 1u);
auto dx = pipeline.create<Image<float>>(PixelStorage::FLOAT1, resolution_scaled, 1u);
auto dy = pipeline.create<Image<float>>(PixelStorage::FLOAT1, resolution_scaled, 1u);
auto normal = pipeline.create<Image<float>>(PixelStorage::FLOAT4, resolution, 1u);

Kernel2D scale_kernel = [&](ImageFloat target) {
auto dispatch_id = compute::dispatch_id().xy();
auto resolution = dispatch_size().xy();
auto uv = make_float2(
dispatch_id.x / Float(resolution.x),
dispatch_id.y / Float(resolution.y));
auto value = bump_texture->evaluate(Interaction(uv), 0.f);
target->write(dispatch_id, value);
auto scale_shader = pipeline.device().compile<2>(scale_kernel);
command_buffer << scale_shader(*bump_scaled).dispatch(resolution_scaled) << commit();

Kernel2D gaussian_kernel = [&](ImageFloat src, ImageFloat target, UInt kernel_size) {
auto dispatch_id = compute::dispatch_id().xy();
auto resolution = dispatch_size().xy();
auto dispatch_id_int = make_int2(dispatch_id);
auto resolution_int = make_int2(resolution);
auto half_kernel_size = Int(kernel_size) / 2;
auto value = def(0.f);
$for (i, -half_kernel_size, half_kernel_size + 1) {
$for (j, -half_kernel_size, half_kernel_size + 1) {
auto offset = make_int2(i, j);
auto index = abs(dispatch_id_int + offset);
index = ite(
index > resolution_int - 1,
2 * resolution_int - index - 2,
auto index_uint = make_uint2(index);
auto v = src->read(index_uint).x;
// TODO: Gaussian Filter only have host API
auto x_squared = length_squared(make_float2(offset));
value += v / std::sqrt(pi * 2.f) * exp(-x_squared / 2.f);
target->write(dispatch_id, make_float4(value));
auto gaussian_shader = pipeline.device().compile<2>(gaussian_kernel);
command_buffer << gaussian_shader(*bump_scaled, *gaussian_blurred, 5u).dispatch(resolution_scaled)
<< commit();

Kernel2D dxdy_kernel = [](ImageFloat src, ImageFloat dx, ImageFloat dy, Float strength) {
auto id = dispatch_id().xy();
auto resolution = dispatch_size().xy();

auto x1_id = id.x + 1u;
x1_id = ite(x1_id == resolution.x, resolution.x - 1u, x1_id);
auto x2_id = id.x - 1u;
x2_id = ite(x2_id == -1u, 0u, x2_id);
auto x1 = src->read(make_uint2(x1_id, id.y));
auto x2 = src->read(make_uint2(x2_id, id.y));
auto dx_value = clamp(strength * (x1 - x2), -5.f, 5.f);
dx->write(id, dx_value);

auto y1_id = id.y + 1u;
y1_id = ite(y1_id == resolution.y, resolution.y - 1u, y1_id);
auto y2_id = id.y - 1u;
y2_id = ite(y2_id == -1u, 0u, y2_id);
auto y1 = src->read(make_uint2(id.x, y1_id));
auto y2 = src->read(make_uint2(id.x, y2_id));
auto dy_value = clamp(-strength * (y1 - y2), -5.f, 5.f);
dy->write(id, dy_value);
auto dxdy_shader = pipeline.device().compile<2>(dxdy_kernel);
command_buffer << dxdy_shader(*gaussian_blurred, *dx, *dy, strength).dispatch(resolution_scaled)
<< commit();

// TODO: area interpolation
TextureSampler sampler{TextureSampler::Filter::LINEAR_LINEAR, TextureSampler::Address::MIRROR};
auto dx_tex_id = pipeline.register_bindless(*dx, sampler);
auto dy_tex_id = pipeline.register_bindless(*dy, sampler);

Kernel2D normal_kernel = [&](UInt dx_tex_id, UInt dy_tex_id, ImageFloat normal) {
auto id = dispatch_id().xy();
auto resolution = dispatch_size().xy();
auto uv = make_float2(
id.x / Float(resolution.x),
id.y / Float(resolution.y));
auto dx = pipeline.tex2d(dx_tex_id).sample(uv).x;
auto dy = pipeline.tex2d(dy_tex_id).sample(uv).y;
auto dz = 1.f;
auto norm = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
auto normal_value = make_float4(dx, dy, dz, 1.f) / norm;
normal_value = (normal_value + 1.f) * 0.5f;
normal->write(id, normal_value);
auto normal_shader = pipeline.device().compile<2>(normal_kernel);
command_buffer << normal_shader(dx_tex_id, dy_tex_id, *normal).dispatch(resolution)
<< synchronize();
auto normal_map_tex_id = pipeline.register_bindless(*normal, sampler);

LUISA_INFO_WITH_LOCATION("Bump2NormalTextureInstance build time: {} ms", clk.toc());
return luisa::make_unique<Bump2NormalTextureInstance>(pipeline, this, normal_map_tex_id);
auto bump = pipeline.build_texture(command_buffer, _bump_texture);
return luisa::make_unique<Bump2NormalTextureInstance>(pipeline, this, bump);

}// namespace luisa::render
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