Cryptocurrency exchange bot.
Use daily exchange data (candles) together with technical analysis models and create trades in Bittrex cryptocurrency exchange, always trying to obtain the best profit.
- Bittrex
- Poloniex
- Add Java docs IMPORTANT!!!! <- plzzzz
- Persist trades
- XChange integration
- Use ta4j technical analysis Strategies
- Java 8
- Configuration file
- Strategy configuration file
- Backtesting
- Microservice architecture
- Expose API with trades data
- Reports, daily and monthly profit
- RCM integration
- More stuff comming soon...
Freqtrade bot link
This project is inspired in freqtrade bot, an open source project written in python, you can go an check this awasome project here.
Ta4j link
A Java library for technical analysis
XChange link
XChange is a Java library providing a streamlined API for interacting with 60+ Bitcoin and Altcoin exchanges