To translate a P4 program to a C model to be executed by klee from its json file:
python src/ <filename>.json
The json representations are obtained from the bmv2 backend of the p4c compiler. To generate a json file, you need to build p4c and run:
p4c/build/p4c-bm2-ss <input-filename>.p4 --toJSON <output-filename>.json
The experiments folder is organized into a benchmark and a case_studies folder.
There are 4 different benchmarks: Tables, Actions, Rules, and Assertions. Each one is contained in its own subfolder, which has the appropriate scripts to generate the programs, execute the experiment, and create gnuplot graphs. The script is used to create submodels for parallelization. The script can be used to execute all benchmarks with and without optimizations.
Each case study folder contains the used C models and scripts to execute them. You can also find C models with constraint optimizations, submodels for parallelization, and their combination. The scripts are used to execute the single threaded models, and the scripts are used to run the submodels concurrently.