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Game Architecture

Luca Puddu edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 1 revision

This document will help you understand the project architecture, what's in the source and how the game is running on both client and server side.


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Bower
  • Socket.IO
  • Express


Server architecture

The game runs on a NodeJS environment using Socket.IO to create a WebSocket server listening on port 3000 (by default).

There's also a ExpressJS setup serving a simple HTTP service that displays index.html, which has the Canvas element used to render the game and some client side Javascript to communicate with the WebSocket server.

Project Structure

This project has 3 main parts:

  • Config files (bower.json, package.json, etc.)
  • Client side
  • Server side

The config files list the libraries, packages, etc. that are needed for the game to run. You can install all the dependencies with the following command:

npm install

It will install all the libraries listed in package.json and bower.json

Game Client

The client folder contains the code used in the game client. It's just a simple HTML file that creates a canvas to render the game and some HTML elements for the chatbox.

The game client logic inside js/app.js. It contains the functions to render the game, check ping/latency, toggle dark mode, send chat messages, process game input, and some socket event listener to communicate with the server.

No game logic are processed from client side. The only thing related to gameplay on the client side is processing game input (send mouse position to server).

The rendering loop of the game uses requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval, and this gives the canvas a better drawing performance.

To compare, you can change the code block:

(function animloop(){


setInterval(gameLoop, 16);

and see the crappy lag :trollface:

Game Server

The server code at server/server.js contains all the config/information and functions related to the game logic such as: food's mass, movement speed, minimum mass difference to be able to eat, random color, hit test, process player movement, etc.

All the game logic is processed on the server side. The communication between server and client will be explained in the following section.

The player list is handled in the server side, inside the users array. The food list is inside the foods array. There's also a sockets array to store all the socket connections from connected players.

Initially, a simple loop is ran with a setInterval on server side to spawn food randomly every second, but running a loop on the server side is a bad idea, as it slows the server down dramatically and causes lag on the client side even if there are only 2 players connected.

That's why we changed to a new (current) way: When a player connects to the game, the server will spawn 30 new random foods, (note this number can be changed at the newFoodPerPlayer variable). And when a player eats a food, 1 new food will be spawned, this number can be changed at the respawnFoodPerPlayer variable. If the total number of foods in the game arena is higher than 50 (see maxFoodCount), the server will stop serving new foods.

Client-Server Communication

The communication between the Client and the Server sides can be separated into 2 stages: Authentication and In-Game Communication


When a new player connects, a popup will be shown asking their name. Then, a new socket connection will be opened. The server receives this new connection and accept it with welcome message, attached with the UserID of this client.

When the client receives that welcome message, it will reply with a gotit message, attached with the Player's name.

When the server receives that gotit, it will broadcast it back to every connected player (except the current player) that someone has joined the game with playerJoin message. Every player who has connected to the game will receive this message and update their player list (draw new enemy on screen, etc.)

Then, the game starts!

In-Game Communication

There are 3 types of communication once the game is started: Game Logic, Chat and Ping (check latency)

Game Logic

We designed the game logic based on Players' behaviours. Basically, we have 3 behaviours of a player: Moving, Eating foods and Eating other players.

All the game logic should be processed on the server side, and only return the visible results to the client.


When a player wants to move, he moves his mouse to the new location. The client will send playerSendTarget message attached with this new location to server. Then, the server receives that message and process the player's movement on its side. When it done, it reply back to this client with the message serverTellPlayerMove, and send message serverUpdateAllPlayers to the others at the same time to update everyone's location on their side.

During player's movement, server also checks for Eating foods and Eating each others behaviours

Eating foods

If a player hits a food. Server will increases this player's mass and deletes the eaten food. Spawn new foods. Everything will be done in the users and foods array from server side. Then, it will reply back to all players with two messages serverUpdateAllPlayers and serverUpdateAllFoods.

Eating each others

If a player hits somebody. Server will compares his mass (including eatableMassDistance) with that enemy's mass. And if the enemy's mass is greater, the player will die.

Server will send to him the RIP message and close his connection. Delete him from users array and send this array to other players via serverUpdateAllPlayers message.


Chat is implemented using the following diagram:

When a player sends a new message and press enter, a new message will be sent to the server as a playerChat message. The server then receives that message and broadcasts it to the other players with serverSendPlayerChat.

When a player receives the serverSendPlayerChat message, it will parse the chat message and put it into their chatbox.

Ping (Latency)

Every game has -ping command to check the latency of a connection to server. It's very easy to implement this latency checking command:

At the beginning of the check, we save the start time. Then send a message to server, let's call it ping. When the server receives that ping message, it will reply back with a pong message. And when the pong arrives the client side, we can calculate the difference between the start time and end time. As simple as that!

I hope this document will help you understand more about the project. From now, you are able to continue develop more awesome features for the game, or make your own online games. The wiki are always open, don't forget to share your knowledge during development.