The code is submitted through a jupyter notebook, with the extension .ipynb.
To be able to look at it, here are the steps to follow:
Go to the folder in which you want to clone the repository and input the following command:
git clone
Then go to the git folder with the command:
cd cas_test_company_b
Once inside the folder, add a folder named "data" and paste the 4 .csv files.
From the git folder, create a python virtual environment using the following command:
python3 -m venv cas_test_venv
Install the needed python libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The library used to read the jupyter notebooks is included.
To read the notebook from the jupyter lab web API:
jupyter lab
The jupyter lab API is opening automatically into your web browser; select the python 3 kernel.
From here, on the top menu, click on "Run -> Run All Cells".
Wait until all the cells are correctly launched, and read the notebook.
The notebook can also be read with google collab.